Chapter 38

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"Shouldn't the gates open already?" Niki's voice sliced through the tense air, punctuated by the soft thud of his head against the airport chairs.

"Just as impatient as I remember," Jake's voice chimed in, his steps echoing as he approached us alongside Max.

I found myself leaning back in my chair, only to bolt upright as soon as I spotted them. Awkward greetings ensued between Max and me, while Jake smoothly transitioned from handshake to hug, pulling me into an unexpected embrace.

"It's good seeing you again," his voice, warm and familiar, reached my ears as he settled into the seat beside me.

I mustered a kind smile before retreating back to my spot, feeling a nervous energy coursing through me. I offered a tentative smile before retreating into my thoughts, biting my lip nervously. How could I have forgotten Max would be here? My excitement at the chance to mend things with Jay had clouded my mind, blinding me to the reality of our group dynamic.

As Niki and Jake delved into conversation, I stole a glance at Max, her attention fixed on her phone. She looked even more stunning than I remembered, her hair now a captivating orangish-brown that accentuated her amber eyes.

Desperate to mask my unease, I fumbled for my phone, pretending to be engrossed in texts from nonexistent friends. I scrolled aimlessly until a notification from Heeseung caught my eye. Opening it, I was met with a picture of my painting, a portion of it crudely cut out, specifically the part that Jungwon had painted with me. Irritation flared within me as I read his message: "Looks much better."

A frustrated sigh escaped my lips as I powered down my phone, feeling the weight of disappointment settle in my chest. In that moment, Sunoo's voice filled the air, his camera capturing every step as he strolled alongside our old group of friends, including Jungwon, who had dashed off to grab coffee for Niki and me. Typical Sunoo, always eager to document our adventures for the world to see. But his infectious charm meant he could get away with just about anything.

As Jungwon, Jay, and Sunghoon greeted everyone with warmth and hugs, Sunoo remained glued to his camera, ensuring no moment went undocumented.

I embraced each friend warmly, except Jay, who offered a polite smile which felt like a silent rejection, sending a pang through my chest. I had imagined this reunion countless times, always assuming we'd at least share a hug. I, but I never anticipated a simple smile. Grateful that I hadn't extended my arms for an embrace, I sank into my seat, hoping to conceal my embarrassment, cursing myself for switching off my phone.

My gaze remained fixed on the ground until Jay's voice cut through the air, beckoning someone over. Reluctantly, I lifted my eyes to see him introducing his girlfriend, a knot tightening in my stomach at the sight. As she approached to shake my hand, I forced a kind smile, meeting her gaze-eyes as green as sunlit leaves after a refreshing rain. Beside her stood Dana, introduced as her friend since high school, her dark, wavy hair cascading like rich, brewed coffee, matching the color of her eyes.

I offered a nod of acknowledgment, murmuring polite pleasantries as we exchanged greetings.

With the gates finally open, we made our way to the business class section, our group filling the seats swiftly. It felt comforting to be surrounded by familiar faces, even with the addition of Jay's girlfriend and her friend.

Seated beside Jungwon, I felt a mix of gratitude and guilt as he relinquished the window seat to me, even though it was rightfully his. The hours dragged on, the quiet hum of the plane punctuated only by the soft glow of screens as Jungwon and I immersed ourselves in different movies. But the movie I'd chosen, a feeble attempt to pass the agonizing thirteen-hour flight, offered little respite from my mounting boredom.

Her Red Flag: Heeseung X Y/N FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ