Chapter Six: The Goodwill Event- IV

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Author Note: Thanks for all the support you guys have been giving me! It means a lot to me.

Chapter Six: The Goodwill Event- IV

"Naru-chan~ Where are you~"

"'m 'ere~!"

"In the closet?"


"Got you!"

Kenji opened the closet, but found no one. That's odd, he was pretty sure he heard Naruto's voice coming from there.

"Naru-chan?" He asked in confusion.

"'m 'ere~!"

The voice was coming from the yard, that was certainly weird. He slided the door open and peeked outside. No one was seen at first. Perhaps Naruto was hiding behind the bonsai trees?


"EEP...!" He jumped in surprise as he was not expecting Naruto to come from behind. He looked back at the boy who was giggling. Naruto has always been a mystery. He was inhumanly fast, even faster than Kenji himself, who had Heavenly Restriction. But the boy had no lack of cursed energy as he often radiated immense amounts of it unintentionally. Suddenly, his three year old boy stopped giggling and frowned. Ignoring the adorable expression on the toddler's face, he looked in the direction his son was looking at.

A cursed spirit, perhaps a fourth grade threat. So his son could see them? Well, no surprise there. It would be odd for a Six-Eyes user not to be able to see a curse. He sighed. It's time to give him the TALK. He was lucky that Hanako lost the rock-paper-scissor game. Now she would have to give Naruto the TALK when he hits puberty and Kenji has to give Naruto the TALK when he first sees a cursed spirit.

"Naru-chan?" He looked at his toddler who was still looking at the monkey-like creature with fascination. The curse was kinda' cute though. Anyways, back to business...! "See that thing over there?"

"That is what we call a curse."

"A curse?"

"Yes, a curse. You see one, stay away from them, go away. Got it?"


"Because they are bad and they hurt humans."

"But it won't hurt anybody."

"Hurting humans is what curses do. They have no feelings, they just do whatever they like."

"That is not true, dattebayo."


"I know it, somehow. It is just sad. It is lonely."

"It just looks like that, it isn't sad or anything. Maybe it's just trying to lure you out. It's a trap."

"No, it isn't."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I can see everything."

"That's not an explanation, kid."

"It is." Naruto nodded. "Every creature has a light around their body. Yours and mom's light is green when you are with me. But sometimes, when you guys are alone, at night, it becomes brown for a few minutes..."

"I-I get your point. You don't need to elaborate on it."

"'Kay, so that little guy over there has a yellow light around it, it's sad."

"Why would it be sad?"

"Because it's lonely."

"So you can feel emotions. That's... I don't have words to describe it."

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