Romeo & Juliet

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Slight confusing mix of Shakespearean and modern english.

Request: no

Warnings: death, suicide, slight fluff, love at first sight.

Pairing: Shoto Todoroki X Reader

The Todoroki's and the L/n's have quarreled for quite some time now.

You've never even met their youngest, Shoto, you heard was his name.

It was a pretty name- majestic, you might say.

You had two strong quirks- telekinesis and telepathy/mind reading.

But the Todoroki family thought Shoto's quirks were stronger. A stupid thing for two giant families to be fighting about, I know. You hated Endeavor for the way he made your mother cry after hero ranking ceremonies. But, you despised your mother for the fact that she had already arranged a masquerade for you to host at your mansion, one where you choose your suitor blindly.

What you didn't know, was that someone within your family-friend circle was conspiring with the enemy.


"Oh come on, Shoto! You can't be clung to this Yaoyorozu girl for this long! She's sworn herself to never marry or bear offspring! You must go to this masquerade for it will do you good to find finer, younger women to overrule the one which you think you love!" Tenya Ida, a close friend to the youngest L/n, nudged the newest Todoroki in his abdomen.

"I can't."

"And why is this?"

"Because- I had a dream," Shoto said, shoulders slumped.

"A- a dream!? Alright then, here's one I seen played behind my eyelids in my slumber-" Denki, another from the side of the L/n's began.

Izuku laughed from nearby.

"I see but a fair young woman, with angel wings and the crown of a goddess, big breasts and all. She sends me into a dream-state, where we are here now. I see you, but instead over there-" he points to a small patch of grass not too far away. "-you're all prettied up for me and the boys, and you introduce yourself as a homosexual as you strip yourself of your clothes and proclaim your love to Minoru Mineta! This is a true-"

"Shut up, will you!" Shoto intervened, beginning angry.

"But he is correct. You shan't be silly, Shoto. Dreams are but false visions of unrealistic scenarios. You're wiser than you're acting," Izuku says, jumping down from the slope he was sitting on.

"You lot aren't helping, much. But, if it will make you close your fat mouths, I'll attend the masquerade."

A cheer left the mouths of the convincers.


There was so many people there.

So many with masks.

You walked yourself to the refreshment table and poured yourself a small glass of a fruity (possibly spiked) drink.

As you sipped, a force knocked into you from behind, your beverage spilling all over your front.

You shrieked at the coldness.

"My dear- I'm terribly sorry I wasn't watching where I was-" the male looked at you as you turned around, and time seemed to halt.

You were an angel. Your shiny e/c eyes and your neatly tied up h/c hair.

Even the scowl you held was bewitching.

He wished he could recognize you with the mask.

Although, those eyes didn't look familiar at all.

You recognized his hair immediately. He should have worn some kind of wig- this idiot.

You'd never seen him in person, but what your mother told you of him, he had hetero chromatic eyes and peppermint locks. And he was gorgeous.

You gasped and took hold of his wrist, pulling him quickly through the crowds and out onto the balcony.

He was shocked.

"Why did you-"

"Shut up you blubbering idiot! Why would you show your face here? You know they hate you!" You said.

He tilted his head. "But I have yet to show my face-"

You scoffed.

You gently removed the mask from his face and rolled your eyes.

"Your hair and eyes, you dunce!"

He clearly had not factored that variable out of the equation.


You took off your mask, too.

"Wow," he spoke, his voice soft and whispery.

You crossed your arms.

"So we finally meet...Todoroki-"



He looked intently at your features. You remained your composure.

His expression became soft and so did yours.

"I'm afraid...I've never met a woman with beauty quite as yours, Ms-"

"Y/n. please."

"Ms Y/n," he said, as if he were trying it on.

"You shouldn't be here, truly. If my parents found out, you'd be murdered in cold blood."

"I'm willing to make that sacrifice, my lady," he swiftly took your hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it, cradling it in both his soft hands.

Your heart swelled. But it shouldn't, you should hate, him.



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