Lunatics · Chap 024 · Mishap

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24 · Mishap

“BEWARE OF the distracted citizen on the street, Baraldi!”

“Which citizen, Lizard, huh?”

“There’s a young man wearing a fancy coat carrying a jacket right under us.”

“He’d better give me room to land or he’ll become an elegant pâté, huh!”

The young man heard the engines of the approaching Aster and hopped not to be landed over. Baraldi landed it precision but the pilot of the Phaedro was not as smooth. The trip from the International up to Republic Square had happened as an adolescent air race.

Still with a smile dancing on his lips, Martins gave the orders.

“You two guard the perimeter; Wagner goes to the rear door, Barthos to the front. Use channel 5 for comms.”

Barthos, Martins and Baraldi cut their way up to the entrance of The Maiden among the crowd that moved in all directions. Wagner walked alone until the narrow back street that led to the service access.

At the main door, the entrance was barred by a charming young brunette trying to carry her red-haired friend who babbled almost unintelligibly.

“D-do I look… look l-li… like a man?”

Baraldi smiled at the absurd question as he was unquestionably attracted to her. Barthos stayed at a safe distance while Martins and Baraldi gallantly waited for the girls to take their time to leave. The red-haired lost her balance and the brunette seemed not being able to hold her friend. Baraldi caught the girl before she could touch the ground. He did not lose time.

“Don’t know no man as cute as you are, beauty.”

She tried to focus her eyes on his face and Baraldi felt the stench of her breath. He knew instantly she was high on hidroxal. Even not looking straight at his eyes, she tried to speak something. No words were uttered: the gurgling sound came out of her mouth along with a gush of vomit. Baraldi was hit but did not lose the grasp on her. Her friend was embarrassed.

“Oh, shit, Amanda! Sorry, sir!”

Martins wanted to laugh but kept his phlegm.

“Take your friend home, put her into a hot bath, and make her take two pirexinons. Hidroxal is illegal, you know?” He pointed to Barthos and winked at Baraldi, knowing exactly what his assistant wished for. “This crack here might take you both in, if he wasn’t busy already.”

The brunette pulled her friend from Baraldi’s arms and both quickly mixed with the hasty people crowding the sidewalk. Martins looked at Baraldi’s dirty clothes.

“Is that the proper pay for being such a gentleman?”

“Gentleman, huh? I had more carnal goals, Lizard!”

They both laughed, ignoring Barthos disdainful expression.

The automaton working on the counter looked at the ID badges they showed and clicked with a plain tone.

“Good evening, sirs.”

The agents knew a robot would be a problem. Five years earlier the laws of the robotics had been expanded to make artificial beings protect not only the lives of human beings but also to guarantee discretion on sharing private information pertaining their owners and costumers alike.

“I’m Robert. Can I be of any help, officers?”

Martins was calm. He signaled for Baraldi to reach the closets to get his clothes taken care of and sat on one of the stools, facing Robert. Baraldi wanted to witness that.

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