Lunatics · Chap 041 · The calm before the storm

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41 · The calm before the storm

Ibrahim used to fall asleep with ease. He also used to wake minutes before the time set in his ringer. The day after Elisangela’s burial services was no exception. He opened his eyes at half past four. His left shoulder was a bit sore but he felt good and rested.

He spent ten minutes in bed, thinking of the past few days. After that, he stretched, stood up and used the room communicator to reach the net. On his bank site, he spent some long seconds staring at the big line of zeros associated to his name. He knew Elisangela was rich, but had never imagined she had been that wealthy.

He tried to reach Miguel but was answered by the message in his box.

“Ah, I can’t answer right now. Leave a message? We’ll talk later. Bye.”

Ibrahim smiled and was not sure what to say.

“Miguel... I thought of our conversation… I ponded you might feel offended… But please, don’t. It’s an honest offer. I’m not trying to buy anything from you, nor trying to compensate you of anything, right? What I own now is really much more than I need. I hope you may use this money wisely… I think it’ll help you to change your life for good. Find another love. Try to be happy. We’ll be seeing.”

Ibrahim cut the call and completed the transfer of many credits into Miguel Serafim dos Anjos’ personal account.

He spent a short time in the shower and a shorter one getting dressed. He was about to close the door when he saw his personal communicator lying on top of cabin beside the bed. He went back in, took the little machine and strapped it around his wrist. Ibrahim verified his coat pocket and the magazines were there. He went downstairs and ate his breakfast. He checked out and walked slowly to the entrance to wait for his transporter.

His communicator rang. A beautiful young black woman smiled.


“Mr Mousmée, please.”


“Sorry, sir, but I need to talk to Mr Ibrahim Mousmée.”

“I’m him.”

She looked disturbed. She blinked and stuttered before regaining control of the situation.

“I’m sorry, sir, but someone used your name to cancel your flight ticket. I was calling to offer new flights for you to get to Alphaville.”

Ibrahim frowned.

“I did not cancel my flight, miss.”

“Well, sir. If you’re able to get here in twenty minutes, we guarantee your sit on flight 323. Excuse us for any inconvenience. Have a good day, sir.”

Eighteen minutes later, Ibrahim had already paid for the rental of the transporter and was in front of the counter to make the check in. The beautiful attendant was there and she seemed in total control that time.

“We’re really sorry, sir, and we’ll do whatever it takes to discover who played that prank on us.”

“Don’t sweat it! I have friends with a strange sense of humour.”

Ibrahim was enjoying the fact there were people who did not recognize him. But it lasted little. There was a crowd of reporters and paparazzi eager to get whatever they could from the rich heir of the dead diva. Ibrahim tried to keep his cool and was able to cross the large aisle to reach VIP room.

Passengers were safely separated from the madding news hunters.

After some time, Ibrahim recognized, among the crazed reporters, the girl who received him at the offices of his new attorneys. She seemed less formal than when he last saw her at Klein & Leibniz. Maria Paranhos signalled, pointing to the door guard. Ibrahim smiled and approached one of the security men and asked them to let her in. Paranhos was beside him in no time.

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