Chapter 4

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"I'm going to apply to be a chef, even though I don't know how to cook! "

A sleepy and irritated voice came from the person walking in front of him. JJ, who was wearing a T-shirt and casual pants, had just walked over and opened the door for his friend. JJ's house is in the Ari area, which is a two story house with a fairly large area and a garden in front of the house. Unfortunately, we have to drive longer to get there but it's worth it for a house in the middle of the capital.

"Even though you are studying at the sports faculty. Just walking around and you are already complaining a lot! "

Plawan responded nonchalantly, but the person walking in front of him suddenly stopped and turned around with fierce eyes. He thought JJ would respond to his teasing as usual, but he forgot that JJ in waking mode was a missile ready to explode.

"I'm just kidding. Calm down bro.... "

The model immediately changed his posture to be more alert, otherwise he would definitely be scolded for longer until his ears went numb. He is so fed up when JJ curses, he acts like an old man. Blah... Blah... Blah... boring.

"Oh, I was very calm until you said that! " JJ complained as he continued walking.

"Nye... Nye... Nye... " plawan mocked him

"Ai Shia,Plawan!!! "

Jj turned around and he looked fierce. For Plawan, his face when he was angry was very funny and he made a teasing face. Wow, he accidentally hit the bomb that was ready to explode so he raised his hands as a sign of surrender and he stepped back.

"Okay... Ok.. You win. "

After being attacked by the owner of the house with a face that looked like he was about to devour his head, Plawan surrendered. He followed him into the house then he sat and waited in the living room. As for JJ, he walked to the kitchen to get drinking water for him. It only costs 5 baht per bottle but he willingly pours it into glasses to honor the people who visit his house.

"You woke me up in the morning only to tell me that you were going to become a chef? " Sleepiness has such a powerful force on the therapist. "You could have just called me. I am wasting all my sleeping time. "

"I want to consult and ask for your help, " he answered.

"Me." The person in front of him pointed at himself. "Why do you want to consult? I am not a chef. " JJ said curtly and furrowed his eyebrows. Plawan smiled lightly.

"That's right. But who else is more suitable to consult with other than my best friend. My beloved friend who has a spacious house in the city with a big kitchen... "

"So, you want to borrow my kitchen? "

"That's right. "

"If you do it again, the soles of my feet willl definitely land on your face. "JJ bared his teeth while Plawan laughed loudly and obnoxiously.

"Oh, Just kidding. "

"Then why don't you do it at your condo? Can't you cook food in you condo? " the other person asked.

"I just looked at the recipe for basil last night. I just found out that holy basil has to be pounded with chilli and garlic before frying it. I thought I could pound it and put in a pan, " he complained.

"I think you're giving up.Damn, I still don't understand what this has to do with anything. " JJ shook his head.

"Come on, we people learn from each other, right? "

"You go study at your house.And I will study at mine. "

"Oh,the problem is when my next door neighbor made fried shrimp paste chilli sauce, I felt annoyed and took paper to write down my objection because of the smell.And if I stir fry chilli and garlic, he will definitely knock on the room and scold me. Come on, go to sleep.I promise I'll use the kitchen quietly. I guarantee when you wake up, you will get to eat delicious basil made by chef Plawan. Last night, I watched tutorial videos all night and I can still memorize them and chant spells with my eyes closed. "

He replied in a trembling voice. How difficult would it be to just stir fry minced pork with chilli and garlic? Even fifth graders can do it. Hah. That's trivial.

"That's your problem, Ok. As long as my kitchen doesn't explode, that's enough. I want to sleep now. Don't wake me up, I'll wake up myself. " JJ said while yawning.Actually JJ is quite handsome,like one of the famous stars. It's just that this version of JJ, when he's tired,his face is very wrinkled,his eyes are narrow, his body is pale white like he's just smoked on a neon tube and his personality is well,a little cuter than a retriever.

"Go to sleep,sir.The Servant will cook quietly in the kitchen and will definitely not disturb you."

I stood up,holding the egg in my hand and acted like a servant. JJ whowas about to sleep got up a little and shook his head, then he got up and walked to the bedroom.

Plawan waited until the homeowner had gone up to the bedroom then he moved to the kitchen.He explored his best friend's kitchen with great interest.As far as he  remembered, before carrying out the cooking process,he had to prepare the items and ingredients,then arrange them.

Even though stir fried basil only uses meat, crushed chillies and garlic,basil leaves and various spices,he likes to eat dried basil which is sweet and dark in color like using dark soy sauce.

He didn't know whether Chef Aob would like it or not, but he liked it very crumbly and dry,mixed with rice. Just thinking about it made his mouth water.

Should i call and order delivery to eat first?

Plawan starts by mashing the chillies and garlic first. From what he saw in the clip,Chef said that freshly ground  spices are the tastiest but if we eat them often, you can refrigerate it and keep it for stir frying. I started throwing different colored peppers into the frying pan. The video says to use green and red peppers because if they are fried they will be beautiful, pounding it to your heart's content.

"Damn it, "A howling sound came from above at the speed of light made him stop.He turned towards his best friend bedroom and shouted back.

" JJ...?"

"Did you know that if you use a motar, you have to cover it with a cloth first so that the sound won't be loud enough to disturb other people. "

"Oh, I didn't know before."

"Now you know,dammit!"

He laughed out loud satisfied that he had annoyed the owner of the house.But he inclined his head slightly for fear that his friend would attack him in the kitchen but JJ went back into the room. I proceeded to make stir fried basil.

Training chef (today)pour the little oil into the pan first and wait until the oil boils,then add the chillies and garlic to stir fry.Ah,what happened after that,he couldn't remember much. Everything happened very quickly.When he turned around to watch the tutorial clip again and after being sure,he turned around again and was met with a series of failures. His hand reached for the spatula and he hurriedly resolved the situation but it seems like everything is turning into coco crunch.

"The chillies are bitter,the garlic is burnt and the pork isn't cooked yet. "

The host who had heard the sound of chaos from the kitchen rushed downstairs and looked worried. So Plawan had no other choice but to put everything in a plate and pretend that everything was fine.Oh my god, Plawan's life is really very difficult. Stir fried holy basil is really difficult to make.

"Its a new recipe," he argued, "Chef Plawan style."

"Oh,do you usually eat raw minced pork? "

JJ put a large lump of minced pork into a plate and used a fork and a spoon to break apart the lump  of pork that was still a pretty pink color inside.

If JJ didn't know that he was cooking meat with basil, then he wouldn't have a problem because  he could have said it was medium rare.

I think you should give up about being a chef, Plawan. What a disaster.

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