Chapter 5

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Plawan stood and presented himself at this restaurant does not have  yardlong beans again. He looked left and right but he didn't see anyone around.The restaurant storefront was closed and quiet,perharps because it was after business  hours.Usually, Chef Aob's restaurant are fine dining restaurants.Open to customers only during the day and evening and appointments are to be made in advance. But he deliberately came in the afternoon, so that it does not conflict with customer reception times.

He rang the door with a bold expression.

After a while,a voice answered from behind the door. His heart was pounding, if the chef refused to accept him as a trainee,then this game would be over before it even started.

No,no....whatever happens, he will succeed.He is already known as Plawan and for money, he can do everything.

"The shop isn't open yet,sir."

The door opened with a familiar face of Chef Kluea, the person who had greeted him once before when he came to the restaurant. He hurriedly raised his hand in greetings as an apology.

"I just came to talk about business. Before coming, I tried calling but no one answered. "

Plawan replied with a sentence that sounded like an excuse.Usually these restaurants only accept reservations via email,travel information or all kinds of details posted on fan pages. The telephone here is like a tool communicate with the hidden city. No matter how he called, it wouldn't go through.

"Oh,what's up? "

"I just saw an announcement about recruiting trainees.That's why I wanted to apply." The young model held his breath for a moment before starting to speak. The person in front of him seemed silent for a moment. His eyes searched in an explorative manner as if considering something in his mind.

"Where did you see the announcement?"

"The last time I came at the to eat at the restaurant,I saw a flyer at the entrance."

In fact he didn't see it. P'Eed was the one who provided this information in the form of photos taken and shared  on social media.But if he answers that he saw it from Facebook,it may not seem very serious. If you answers that you saw it at the store,maybe it's better,right?At least he could say that he had eaten at this restaurant before.

"Have you ever been a chef at any restaurant before?"

The owner of the round glasses opened a space for him to walk into the store. His heart shook like a wardrum. He tried to take a deep breath so as not to accidentally show any anxiety.


He answered quickly,almost no need to think. He himself almost never ate his cooking. What we he sell? But his heart sank when he heard the next question.

"Have you ever worked at a restaurant?"


"Can you cook. "

"A little bit."

Is this a lie?No,instant noodles are considered food too, aren't they?

"Let's try talking to chef Aob. "

Kluea and Plawan slowly entered the small shop.The atmosphere is like a small Japanese style house,decorated mostly with wood. Even though it looked quite old,the wood on the floor was shiny indicating that the floor had been carefully maintained.He stopped in front of the door of a room. There are no signs written on it.In that inner corridor,normal customers probably wouldn't have the chance to enter. Plawan was excited that he could almost hear his own heartbeat.

Kluea knocked on the door and a deep voice sounded in response.

He opened the door and poked his head in slightly to get the approval of the person in the room. The room owner nodded and Kluea informed that he should come in and sit for the interview. Plawan walked into the room awkwardly and sat in the only chair across from chef Aob,before Kluea closed the door and left.

"What's your name? "

A deep voice came from the person who was still looking at the documents on the table. I glanced up just a little.Ah,Did I have to prepare a resume or not? I've never applied for a job as a chef before.

"Plawan(whale) krap"

The person on the other side slightly raised his head to look, his eyes narrowed as, if he had found something wrong, but I was not afraid.

"Plawan is not a fish, it's a mammal. "

What? is this an interview question? Can he give me such an annoying answer?Or should I answer with basic biology? is this a restaurant or an aquarium?

"Plawan is not a fish. Dolphins are not fish either."He put his hands together. "But the Plawan in my name refers to the nature of the animal.This does not mean dividing groups according to taxonomy. So you can call me Plawan. "

The man move his hand and squeezed it, he even accidentally laughed alone but when he looked up and saw the fierce face in front of him he could only shout, "It's finished! "in his mind.

" Have you ever worked in a restaurant?"


"Have you ever been a chef? "


"Then why did you apply to be a chef here? "

Because of money.Ouch, but he couldn't answer. Plawan smiled teasingly at the person who asked first. Meanwhile,the other party's brows were furrowed to the point where they were almost fused together.

"I want to be a chef. "

The answer was simple,short, easy and thought out  from home.The script was rehearsed and planned by my best friend JJ. The person who asked seemed silent for moment. It doesn't hurt to have smart friends.

"I just want it.Isn't that enough?"

The atmosphere  seemed intimidating.But he didn't feel much pressure. He couldn't explain the reason,maybe it was because of the smell of basil that was floating around ?

"I want to become a chef and I'm trying to do that.I like learning  everything, then I saw the announcement.The chef said he would train employees in the restaurant first. After that,there would be a series of exams. " JJ wrote the script and Plawan just had to show off his acting skills.


"Please give me a chance. At least,I can be an apprentice in the kitchen meanwhile.If I really can't keep up, you can just kick me out. In the meantime, I'll prove to you how serious I am. "

It's like a terrible Japanese series. The main character comes to beg and ask for a job from a stern looking old man. If there is a camera that often captures the antagonist face,this is it. Please be kind to me, chef.

"Do you like eating basil?"asks the voice.

"I like it, I really like it,"he answered quickly. And he didn't lie.

"Good,then let's test it."

The shop owner smiled once. He couldn't describe what emotions he was feeling. Whether he was happy, cunning or wanted to win but what he knew was that he definitely felt excited.

"If you can pass this test, I will just take you under my wing! "

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