Chapter 6

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"Are you sure you like stir fried basil?"

Chef Aob gave him another challenging look as if giving him a last chance to make amends.Hah!Keep dreaming,someone like Plawan can't be humbled when it comes to stir fried basil. He will never give up and we'll do anything to eat stir fried basil.He has even tasted all the basil dishes in various restaurants in the city.

"I'm certain." He smiled. "You can test it."

"I'll let you sit and wait in the living room first. In the meantime, read about the working conditions and take the test to become the successor of this shop. In about an hour,i'll test you. At that time I'll decide whether you can  work here or not. Do you understand.

"I understand."

Plawan got up and the owner of the room walked over to open the door for him. He silently followed the person in front of him. The head chef's shoulders looked like someone who often exercised. Strange,even though this job isn't supposed to involve sports. Or maybe it's because of the labour involved in cooking? Even though his body was completely covered, he could tell that the chef's figure was probably good or very good. But doesn't a chef have to eat a lot? Why doesn't he have a pot belly?

"Take your time,you still have about an hour..."

The restaurant owner said,before saying goodbye and leaving.Plawan turned and looked around. The small living room had a sofa to accommodate 10 people.There was a television, old magazines and comics. Maybe this was the shop employee's break room, he guessed, but it was probably empty at the moment.

A loud voice was heard  from the other side of the shop and Plawan tried to read the document that Chef said. The three sheets of paper were more like ordinary written documents.He opened it and took a quick look and saw that the documents were written in such neat and ordinary lines that it was scary. Is  this a prison or a restaurant? Why is there so much chaos everywhere? He sat down and read the rules carefully, one by one,feeling like he was a psychopath in a thriller series.

10 rules for becoming Chef Aob's succesor

1)Chef Aob is the rule. Chef Aob's orders are the rules. (What a dictator!)

2)We work 6 days a week. You can choose your own holiday. But it can't be Saturday or Sunday. Working is from 8:00am - 6:00pm or 12:00pm -10:00pm, depending on the shift arrangement. (This is hell!)

3) We have a dormitory and everyone has to live here. (Are you lonely? You can't be alone!)

4) For dormitories, one room is occupied by 2 people. Applicants are strictly prohibited from changing rooms among themselves, except from permission from the chef.

5) Sex or sexual activity is prohibited.  If you want to have sex,please use the holiday to do activities elsewhere so as not to disturb your roommate. (Are there not only males in the applicants!).

6)Everyone has an obligation to clean and maintain the shared dormitory. Everyone should take responsibility. It is strictly forbidden to change shifts (Is this training to be a chef or a housewife!)

7)Everyone starts out as a kitchen helper. No matter where your greatness comes from. You have to start by cleaning equipment,chopping the ingredients and preparing the seasonings. There are not exceptions. (No need to make an exception,there is nothing else I can do!)

8) After passing the first exam, applicants have the right to prepare meals for employees. And after passing the second exam,applicants will have the right to cook for customers.(Cooking food for myself. Yay, looks like my stomach will be full!)

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