Chapter 9

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Having said that, working with Chef Aob is not a bad thing.

Can I call it a fun agenda? Hmm, maybe this really isn't so bad after all. The daily routine is to wake up and go to work at a specified time. If it's a morning shift,then you can get up at  seven in the morning, work until evening and at night you can go out and relax somewhere else. But you have be back at the restaurant before 10:30 p.m. As for the afternoon shift,I can wake up late but one should be ready by eleven o'clock to receive customers for lunch. It takes a long time for the restaurant to close, so if you have a lot of business to do, you can go out to do it in the morning.

Plawan always works with Kluea.

This is an easy way for people who are in the same room to sleep and wake up together, because if one of them is on a different shift, if one of them has to get up early, then the other will definitely be disturbed directly or indirectly. The shifts here use a matching system so that they can have a day off together. Day offs can be taken from Monday to Friday, per pair and there are no day offs on Saturdays and Sundays. Shifts are changed once a week so that the body can adapt.

During the first week, Plawan went around doing every task in the restaurant.

Because he was a new kid, chef encouraged him to learn and understand everything first. It was divided into oral work and manual work. (Hey, don't think that the oral work is easier.) The oral part has to greet customers,serve food, clear tables,provide various services, answer phones, answer emails and arrange queues. Meanwhile, the manual section works in the kitchen, cuts ingredients, prepare vegetables, wash the dishes and cleaning the kitchen.

"What are you doing today? "

Kluea asked one day in the first week. It's Friday today, Plawan feels very fresh, even though he would be working normally on Saturday and Sunday. But today he has the morning shift. When he gets home from work, he could go out and find a lounge nearby and get some booze, while feasting his eyes on some girls.

"I'm in the kitchen, washing pans. "

Plawan answered simply. Today looks like he is doing manual labor. Even so, washing glasses and plates is fun because he doesn't have to think about anything. He just had to wash the items in front of him  until they were clean and shiny. After which he could get some sleep.

"Oh, and maybe I'll go out tonight. "

Well only Kluea can be kind beyond reason. He wanted to make friends but since he wanted to chat with me comfortably, he refrained from it. I did not feel comfortable with other people's presence. He always kept smiling with narrowed eyes and was cheerful at all times.

"You're going to leave me alone, I'm lonely. "

He said while laughing. To be honest, Plawan didn't feel close to anyone in the restaurant because everyone seemed to have a wall they had purposely built around them. It's like being a contestant in a reality show. There was only Kluea who seemed to have the position of being number one competitor and was very easy to talk to.

If I were asked who is most likely to take over Chef Aob's position? Everyone probably thinks the same as me, definitely Chef Kluea. That was because Chef Kluea was the only person invited by the chef to help cook food when work was busy. If compared to other trainees, Chef Kluea is definitely called frequently yet they both have chef backgrounds in other restaurants.

"In the kitchen, don't do anything that displeases the chef. " the other person said with a neutral expression while wearing the restaurant employee  uniform. "Don't forget to call Chef Aob, chef. That's kitchen etiquette. "

Plawan nodded nervously and scratched his flat belly. He was used to sleeping without clothes because it was hot and he is still sleepy and he  hasn't even showered yet. But his roommate had finished showering and was ready to work. He glanced at the clock and found that there was still a few dozen minutes left.

"Krap, I'll remember. You go first,I'll be right down. "

His hand grabbed the towel that was being dried in the sun on the other side,while his mouth answered,then he went to take a shower. My heart is thinking about which club I should go tonight. If you don't reserve in advance, they will only be a few options left. Plus I had to rush back at 10:00 p.m, so I have  to choose a place where I can sit and enjoy a drink, a place where many people gather.

"What shift are you on? "

A sharp voice sounded not too far away, like that of a scout camp instructor. When I turned around, I saw chef Aob standing in the corridor with clean white chef's uniform. Why did he come to the second floor? Wouldn't be easy to go straight down from the third floor to the first floor? Are you dropping in and around to put pressure on your trainees, old man?

"Morning, chef. "

Plawan said with a friendly smile but the person in front of him didn't answer,but instead looked at the model's upper body before looking at his face, as if asking 'why are you taking off your clothes while walking in the corridor? 'But so what? There are no rules against taking off your shirts or pants in this dormitory. That's not against the rules, you can't complain chef!!!

"How is your work. "

The other party asked simply, his eyes sharp. I couldn't tell whether this was  a matter of concern or a problem? He only covered his upper body with a towel, so that his mental pressure could be reduced a little, because maybe he'll get scolded for not dressing properly in the establishment.

"Good chef, am slowly learning. "

"Slowly! "

The chef patted him on the shoulder and walked away. What the fuck? What the hell does this mean? I don't understand. Plawan stood up and watched the other party leave, before turning around and  continuing to shower while thinking of the chef's face. Oh, the chef's body always smells like basil. It looks delicious. Hoiii,it smells so good.

The morning passed peacefully.

A handsome muscular prince with a six pack disguised as Tok Toi kitchen employee manages everything well and neatly. Life revolves around repeatedly cutting vegetables and washing onions until he got used to it. He didn't even need to ask  about basil, he could almost wash and clean it while closing his eyes.

"Please help me. "

Another friend in the kitchen said as he brought the large pot used to simmer soup into the sink. He answered casually. The cleaning job was easy, but when I glanced over, I saw the chef enter the kitchen .The young man turned his head to look at the time. It was already noon, and it was time to receive customers at noon.

"Hello chef."

Four kitchen workers suddenly shouted at once.  It's like when the class leader tell the students how to respect the teacher. The chef responded with a calm expression. I've gotten used to it. Plawan turned his head to focus on the large pot in  front of him. I rather wash it for a long time, I am too lazy to transfer to another station.

Plawan turned around and used his  right hand to hold the handle of the pot and move it into place, while his left hand held the foaming dishwashing liquid. He didn't use both hands for fear of slipping,and that seemed to be a wrong decision. Because,suddenly his right wrist felt painful because the weight of the pot was much heavier than he thought. He suddenly let go of his hand, wincing in pain. The pot fell  softly to the sink floor. The sound wasn't too loud. Everything in the kitchen sounded as usual, maybe no one noticed it in time.

"What's wrong? "

The sound sent a chill down his spine. And when I turned around, I was faced with someone's face from a close distance. The faint scent of cologne wafted through the air, light and not fragrant. Maybe it's more of an aftershave scent. His eyes were so close that he could see the beautiful eyelashes.

"Nothing, chef. "

The young man answered pretending to turn on the water to cover the sound of his heartbeat. He didn't know why, but he felt at this moment his heart was beating violently as if it  trying to get out of this chest. The shop owner reached out and turned the tap off before moving his hand to grab his right arm.He lifted and  examined Plawan's wrist. His brows furrowed. His first reason was that he didn't want to reveal his suspicions yet, but perhaps because of the fast movement of this arm, he accidentally let out a soft cry.

"I see that it is here. "

THIS LOVE DOESN'T HAVE LONG BEANS(ENG) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora