Part 11

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A very long part. Almost 3000 words 😁😁😁😁but I am sure you like it

Taekook entered in party hall where already everyone waiting to meet no 1 businessman in the world. Taekook entered and the hall was filled with gasping sounds because of maybe they saw the devilishly handsome man and angelic beauty together for the first time............. taekook looked at each other and tae smiled looking at his hubby. Jk little smile back because he has to make his attitude toward his business world.

"Come angel," jk said softly and tae interlinked his hand with jk arm and both come inside

Jk took tae toward couch make him sit down comfortably.........both sat down beside each other and jk put his hand on tae waist to show who was staring at tae that tae belong to him only. Noticing jk glares at everyone and his possesive gasture tae smiled and shook his head.......... but soon his smile drop when he hear a very familiar voice, a voice which he don't want to listen in his whole life. Shiver run down to tae spine he immediately looked at the person with fear eyes

"Hello MR JEON, thank you for your precious existence," the person said with smile

Jk stand up from couch with hilding tae's hand and tae also stand with jk with shock. That person forward his hand to shook with jk. That person looked at tae with little smirk

"Thank you Mrs jeon for coming, Myself Kim Jong In but you can call me kai," kai said and forward his hand toward to tae

But tae hold jk hand tightly in fear.jk looked at tae and feel uncomfortableness on tae face whi h make him frown. Tae is a person who love to meet strangers but here is is behaving differently

"My husband is introvert so please put back your hand Mr kai," jk said in order tone and kai smile awkwardly

"Oh I am sorry, I don't know that. Sorry Mrs jeon if I make you uncomfortable," kai said and tae gulp and just looked at jk, who is confused by tae behavior because kai gesture is also not suspicious so whom tae isafraid off.

"Ok Mr Jeon enjoy yourself," kai said with smile and before going he lastly looked at tae with lust and smirk which unnoticed by jk because he is busy watching tae

"I am glad you still afraid of me I can see in your eyes my babyboy. Don't worry I will snatch you from your so called husband because I am your unmarried husband......Kai is back," kai thought with smirk and left from there

After kai left jk worriedly looked at tae and cupped tae cheeks

"Angel are you ok," jk asked

"y-yeah I am fine," tae said

"But why I am feeling like something is bothering you," jk said with most softest tone

"I am fine don't worry hubby," tae said with soft smile to make his husband believe him

"Ok, If you say so" jk said and both again sat down but soon jk business partners come and asked some time from jk who nodded after getting a nod from tae

After that jk got busy with his business partners and tae is just sitting beside him many people asked him to join in there group but tae didn't want to leave by hubby side........... tae feeling continuous stare on himself and he know very well who is staring at him, it's kai who is looking at him with lust

"J-jungkook," tae called and jk immediately turned around

"yes love," jk asked

"Can we go home now," tae said with puppy eyes

"oooo why are you so cute angel but please just give hubby 30 minutes we are talking about some important work," jk said and tae nodded, jk peak tae lips and get back to his discussion

Crazy MafiaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora