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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Alon Salem Alexander's P.O.V.

i didn't know that he would be here.

ni hindi sumagi sa isip ko na makikita ko sya just after a few days.

cause it was always been like that, we'll see each other than we wont at habang tumatagal, the anticipation of seeing him just keeps growing.

i even started going through social media and telivision just to get a glimpse of him. where he is, what he might be doing.

the usual order for him every two days never falter either. red velvet with aquamarine icing.

and everytime that it have to be picked up, i would always be the one to hand it over.

im not gonna lie, it disappoint me to not see him on the other side of the counter to the point that sometimes i just have to ask.

the curiousity turned into admiration and now i just cant stop thinking about him.

is that even possible?

to like a person after meeting them for a few times?

now his friends would tell me how he is without me even asking.

tinanong nila ako kung manliligaw ba ko and i straightforwardly replied yes.

the next time ill see him ill confess before  courting him.

it wont be easy but ill take a chance.

"good evening" i greeted him while staring straight into his eyes, he gave me a flat look as i approach him while he was talking to mr. and mrs. cabran. business entrepreneurs that was also invited in this gala.

they all stop talking as i walk forward "mr. alexander what a big surprise! we didnt expect to see you here" i smile politely at mrs. cabran before shaking hands with his spouse.

this gala is all about business, to celebrate business success and make theirselves known for their business ventures.

i usually skip their invitation but i want to get out of the mansion instead of staying holed up inside with dad.

he stays in his and papas room anyways, hindi ko alam kung bat gusto nya na manatili pa ko.

"even my business needs publicity every once in a while don't you think so?" i replied half jokingly, with a light air around it. not really saying it to sound boastful but my eyes wont keep still and i just cant help but to keep glancing at azure.

he look at me distastefully with an unaudible scoff, he really dislikes me does he?

"oh right how rude of us! have you met azure? azure meet chef alexander the youngest and most successful patissier and entrepreneur in the market as of the moment and chef alexander meet azure, he's here as the representative of their family hotel and restaurant the saint sinclaire's" mrs. cabran said all at once in an excited manners.

thats the only time he meet my gaze, he didn't smile like i thought he would cause we're infront of other people.

he sigh as if seeing me tires him.

i might say. its quiet endearing to see kahit hindi ko naman alam kung anong ginawa ko make him react like this just by seeing me.

"i know him right chef?" he gave me a quick tight smile before dropping it.

Sweetest Obsession : Bridge Between Winter to SpringKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat