Chapter VI - We have Lift Off

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Anyway, unlike Earth-1218, this universe works off of completely different laws that allow magic-like technology. There are a bunch of tech trees I could unlock; damn, that sounds like I'm treating reality as a game. Anyway;

We had the whole magic that is indistinguishable from advanced technology, especially with the Asgardians and dark elves.

We had the actual magic that is used by the sorcerers, who I think use some kind of energy from other dimensions, like the dark dimension, if I remember correctly. Though that again could be classified as simply advanced tech if it sticks within the laws of this universe.

We had Kree and Skrull-based tech, which I could access with some effort due to the fact that Marvel's Research Ship is up there in orbit. That gives the bonus of research into the FTL they were working on, and I have an idea of how to power it without the space stone.

We had the wormhole technology from Big Hero 6. Everything else in that movie, I can pretty much guess the actual principles behind them, and they are completely feasible.

We have the mutant gene, along with the various ways it can be artificially activated, from the space stone to cosmic rays. I also need to have a look at those machines Trask built and make sure he doesn't.

Next is the vibranium found only in Talokan and Wakanda. I could probably raid Clau's ship to get a quarter tonne of the stuff, but that will only last so long. I could try to steal some, but that would leave a bad taste in my mouth. I guess I could survey the solar system and see if I could find more of the stuff. If it wasn't just one asteroid, then I should be able to find some. Vibranium is incredibly useful, mostly for its energy absorption effect but also for its ability to affect the mind and soul as well as certain mystical energies.

We have the Super Soldier serum, though I can probably recreate the same effects with a bit of research, but going off how it enhances the person, I am afraid to mess with it.

We also have the infinity stones and the myriad of knowledge about the nature of the universe that could be gleaned, but I have a feeling I will end up regretting messing with those too much at the moment.

We have the extremis virus and its miraculous effects on healing once I work out the kinks.

We have those weird regeneration cradles that Helen Cho is making, though I have no clue why the Avengers used them when they had the Extremis virus. Though, if they had the ability to build a body for Ultron, could they be used to graph new genes onto cells?

We also had the weird mind-uploading thing that Hydra uses. Actually, I want their thesis research as well. I think Shields might have it; they will also have the FTL drive somewhere.

The two I had the most hope for were the arc reactors and pym particles.

Arc reactors seemed to have a similar energy signature to what the tesseract made, and maybe, though this was a stretch, I could actually use a huge arc reactor to power an FTL drive. What even was an arc reactor? It certainly was more powerful than a fusion reactor; was it some kind of zero-point module? Was that why it could tap into the same power as the space stone? I mean, my father came up with the idea after studying the stone.

As for pym particles, they were kind of an anomaly, and it is going to be hard to convince Hank pym to give up his monopoly. Maybe I should just steal Cross's version as a base for the research.

My main goals for the near future were to begin experimenting with vibranium, finish the suits, and start creating an anonymous reputation as 'Ironman.' get stark industries out of the weapons industry while massively expanding its manufacturing capacity, preferably abroad, Deal with Aldrich Killian, get my hands on Extremis, and finally, actually enjoy life, not waste it like I have for the last thirty years.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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