Chapter 02 | Showmance

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"No, no, no! Not the shells!" the Triple Trouble were currently sitting in Liam's bedroom, the curtains drawn and the TV lit up with Mario Kart.

Mike burst out laughing when Matt was, for the hundredth time that evening, shot off the track. The dark-skinned boy just grumbled something about meanies, but he couldn't help to smile at the sight of his best friends almost collapsing on each other, taking a piss out of him.

"Don't be such a baby!" teased Liam, punching his shoulder playfully.

After a while, they calmed down, continuing in their annual video game marathon.

"Liam, why couldn't you come on Friday again? Mom was really excited to see you both," asked Mike, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"You're not trying to get out of game night, are you?" joked Matt, but his jovial tone was laced with insecurity.

These were his only true friends and he loved their Friday hangouts, he never wanted them to change. They usually did this after the last practice of the week, switching between their houses every so often. But thanks to Finn's atrocious lying, they had to push it back a few days.

The Hudson boy pushed the black-rimmed glasses further up the bridge of his nose, rubbing his bloodshot eyes as he did so. He preferred to wear contacts instead of his glasses, but sometimes his eyes needed a break too. God knows he gave them what for, being the chronic insomniac he was.

"Finn told Puck something about our mom needing prostate surgery and he needed me to stay home to keep the cover," Matt choked on the gulp of soda he had just taken, struggling to clear his airways.

"P...prostate? Women don't have a prostate," he stated the obvious, his voice scratchy from the coughing fit.

"Don't ask me. I know nothing about what's going on in my brother's head," shrugged the younger Hudson before teasingly elbowing Mike, who was far too silent for their liking, "And it's not like our friend here didn't appreciate the extra time he had with Britt Britt."

"Har, har, very funny, Mr I'm-in-love-with-my-brother's-girlfriend," the Asian boy let out a sarcastic laugh, cracking up when he noticed how Liam's ears reddened at the mention of the blonde cheerleader.

"Am not," he insisted stubbornly, pouting like a small child, whose mom refused to buy him ice cream.

"Are too," snickered Matt, both of the boys completely forgetting the game in favour of teasing their best friend, "Otherwise you would be looking for your one and only. God knows enough girls are chasing you around the school."

This whole time Joy has been lying on the bed behind them, contently chewing on her plushie without a single care in the world. That was until her asshole of an owner decided to pick her up and suffocate her against his chest.

"This is my best girl, the only one I'll ever need," the dog wriggled in his strong arms, but when she realized there was no way out, she just huffed and decided to soak up the attention.

Meanwhile, his friends rolled their eyes at the excuse, having heard it a million times before. Every time they would breach the subject, Liam would just panic and divert the conversation elsewhere.

"Don't you get it, Matt? They're just friends," mocked Mike, batting his eyelashes at the running back.

"So were Pam and Jim and we all know how that worked out," Matt snarked out, once again proving how truly nerdy the three jocks were.

"Oh, you two are hilarious," deadpanned Liam, taking hold of the controller once again, Joy still in his lap, snoring softly in content, "Why don't we focus on the game before I kick your ass again?"

I Was Made For Lovin' You | Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now