Ah shit, it happened

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Well shit, something happened, one moment everything was going fine, next an explosion, I hid in the signal box, not that I'd have much to do I saw Edward racing down the mainline and my god he was going at speeds he was clearly not built for, then I saw James racing down the line, not sure if he knows.

Hours latter I went out to go for, decided to cheek Crosby, my god what a mess, several dead bodies lay everywhere, the trucks were deformed and they were laugh manically, I found what was left of Edward, emphasis on what was left on Edward, he had crashed into the barber's shop, the same one Duck had crashed, he along with the barber's shop was on fire, then I found someone only find it was some kind of zombie or something I don't but thankfully it didn't notice me and got out of there fast, not much happened after but I will say this, latter I saw Thomas passing by with Annie, Clarabel and Toad? What? Anyway write more tomorrow. 

Oh boy, Another generic and shitty dark Thomas AUWhere stories live. Discover now