First day in this shithole

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Well first day of survival, well I've seen way too many shitty Thomas AUs to get a good understanding, anyways I stayed inside for the next 5 hours, eventually I got board and pack my stuff and went out, it was so quiet that it was unsettling, the tress that were once lively were now grey, not much happened when I arrived at Wellsworth then I heard a whistle, it was Oliver with Isabel and Dulcie, he demanded to know where Toad was, I told him I saw him with Thomas but didn't know where he went, though my guess was he was trying to get off the island, I decided to tag along with Oliver, the plan was to head down to Suddery, Oliver deludingly agreed due to the fact he wanted to find Toad first.

Not much happened on the journey, we found the Vicar at the orchard as for Trevor, we don't know where he went though I doubt he'd be alive.

We arrived at Suddery, we knew Oliver was running low on water and the nearest water tower was out of order so we had to go break into houses to find water and fill him up, once we filled him up, Oliver pleaded with us that we head back so we did, I can't help but feel something or something is watching us.

When we arrived at Wellsworth, it was dark, me alongside Oliver's crew decided to head into the station office, conveniently there was a TV, we got some news from the government, the UK military would arrive to find survivors so there might be hope for us, anyway gotta get some sleep.  

Oh boy, Another generic and shitty dark Thomas AUWhere stories live. Discover now