
408 9 3

Tw- mentions of self harm~

Friday 4:20

Aiden was walking home from school after a detention. He zoned out in class and completely forgot to do the work. He walked through the door of his abnormally humongous house where he was greeted with his dad. A very angry looking dad.

Mr Clark "You going to tell me why i got a call from school saying you've had a detention?!"

Aiden "Sorry I-

He was cut off by his father.

Mr clark "I don't want to here your excuses just stop being selfish and behave for once, your mother and I cant be dealing with phone calls every 5 minutes because you can't pay attention in class. Got it."

Aiden "whatever"

Mr clark "I believe what your meant  to say is 'yes dad'?"

Aiden "yes dad."

He sighed and went to his room, plugged his phone on charge and just laid in bed. He was fed up with his parents looking down on him. His dad barely even knew what happened and all he's bothered about is getting his precious work interrupted.

What was he thinking, his parents need to work to they can pay bills and buy us food. Maybe he was just being selfish.

After that his mind was racing about how he's just a selfish spoiled brat who everyone finds annoying and is just a pointless distraction to everyone. He couldn't think straight. Tears were forming in his eyes. He needed to distract himself.

No. He promised Ben he'd stop. He swore an oath that he'd never do anything like that again. He couldn't. He won't. He had to.

[tw-self harm]

He pulled out an old shoe box from under his bed, took a deep breathe and opened it. A couple pencil sharpener blades, a pocket knife and a razor blade.

He pulled out the pocket knife. He opened it so the blade was sticking out and began. He took a deep breathe, he carefully placed it on his wrists and began pressing harder. He slid it across his hand. It were as if rubies shattered onto his arms. He carried on until his arms were enveloped in long deep red rivers of blood.

He soon felt at peace. That was until he looked down and though 'oh shit my arms are bleeding' so he rushed to the bathroom and run it under hot water. He winced at the sting. He then wrapped it in a towel and attempted to wrap it in a bandage, which he did horribly. He splashed his face with water and went back to his room.

[tw end]

He flopped onto his bed and checked his phone.

19 unread messages-

The first one was from Ben.

Ben- Sorry about your detention.
Im at Taylor's but we're coming round later for a sleepover :)

Aiden - no problem

There was a problem- Aiden was currently mentally screaming because he wasn't prepared at all.

(Word count: 498)

So sorry bout the kinda depressin chapter but yay they havin a sleepoverrrr

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