The beach

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Ben and Aiden walked together towards the beach.

ben- are you not hot?

Aiden- "nah im fine"

ben- it would be easier if you just spoke to them yknow

Aiden- "i guess.. but not now were ment to be having fun."

ben- fair enough but don't worry because they'll understand.

Aiden- "yeah"

They carried on walking down to the beach and when they got there everyone was already waiting for them- Tyler was helping Logan swim while Ash and Tay were sitting on a picnic blanket playing boggle giggling to each other.. probably about Tyler and Logan.

They walked over and sat on the picnic blanket while Tyler and Logan began walking over drenched. Tyler grabbed a towel and put it round Logan.

Aiden-*cough* "simp" *cough*

Tyler- "shut up"

Tyler was slightly blushing while Logan just looked at him clueless..

Logan- "what?"

Tyler- "nothing"

Aiden- "yeah suree nothingg"

Tyler shot Aiden a deathly glare and sat down on the picnic blanket. Ashlyn glanced at Aiden, he was wearing a hoodie- in this weather?!

Ashlyn- "are you not hot Aiden your wearing a hoodie while its boiling out?"

Aiden froze for a minute to quickly think if a reaponse.

Aiden- " oh yeah all my t-shirts were dirty so i har to wear this"

Ash just nodded and went back to playing boggle with Taylor.

Ben- dont know about u guys but ima go in the water now to cool down.

Tyler- " ill come"

Logan-"me too"

Taylor-"and mee"


Aiden- "yeah but Ty do you have the wetsuit?"

Tyler- "yeah its in that bag"

Aiden- "thanks"

he quickly changed into it behind a wall and dived in. he cooled down a bit but was still hot considering he was wearing a black snug wetsuit.

Did it stop him from canon balling into the water splashing everyone- no-no it did not.


he screamed and tried swimming away which was still difficult in a boiling hot wetsuit but he eventually got out the water and climbed a tree to get away from him.

Ashlyn "aiden what the actual fuck"

~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~

it began to get darker and cooler so they decided to all head back home - They all walked and dropped one another off at home Logan first, then the twins, then ash and finally Ben an aid.

As soon as they got in Aiden flopped on the couch exhausted. ben quickly scribbled down something-

ben- idk bout you but im going to sleep before the phantom switch.

Aiden nodded and also decided to sleep qnd as soon as his heqd hit the pillow he was flat out.

(word count 446)

sorry for not postin for a while have loads of hw and babysittin my cusons and about 4 family members bdays so i should hopefully post more after a whiel.

hope u enjoyyu

aslo is any ideas for next couple chapters tell me cuz i cant think for shite.

Sbg ~don't let them see you like this~aidenWhere stories live. Discover now