2:24 AM - Glass Grass

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Kaylee holds her bunny to her chest to warm herself, she knows her bunny wouldn't mind. "Where do we go now?" Kaylee asks, looking down at her bunny in her arms. The bunny puts a paw to it's chin, making a thinking pose for a minute. "Oh! How about the forest? We could visit some of our friends there!" The bunny happily suggests, in which Kaylee smiles. Kaylee nods in an ecstatic manor before she starts off to exit her front yard.

Something caught Kaylee's eyes as she was about to exit the yard, the one opening of the fence surrounded yard was covered with dirty glass in some wet grass. "Hey.. Isn't that the vase Dad broke today? Remember, when we where on the porch?" Kaylee slightly lifts up the bunny so it can have a good view. "Kaylee sweetheart, I told you that Dad wasn't even outside when you said that... There's nothing here, you're just seeing things." the bunny's words irritated Kaylee. Kaylee furrowed her eyebrows together. "No I'm not, I know what I saw!! He was yelling at Mom and broke the vase, I saw it I just know I did bunny, I saw it!!!" Kaylee bursts, slightly squeezing the bunny whist her breath gets shallow. "No no no no, Kaylee, shhh... It's just those drugs they've been giving you lately, making you see all those crazy things.." her sweet bunny comforts her. "You can't even see me open my mouth anymore because of it!" the bunny gestures to it's mouth, it's been stuck closed like a normal plushy for a few days now. Kaylee starts to slightly calm down, the bunny was right. She had been taking this weird medication, her parents said it'd help with her hallucinations, but Kaylee didn't think she was experiencing hallucinations? She was starting they were just hallucinating for not seeing how lively her bunny plush is or her bright creature friends. Maybe the bunny was right.. "I'm sorry, bunny. I love you.." Kaylee puts her head down, no longer squeezing the bunny. "It's okay sweetheart, I love you too" the bunny comforts her. "Now just go on ahead, I can assure you nothing's there."

Kaylee hesitantly nods, she trusts her bunny more than anything, but the glass is so clearly there. Nonetheless, Kaylee takes a breath and she walks into the wet grass. Glass painfully stabs into her feet, making Kaylee flinch. Kaylee starts shaking, but maybe this was also a result of that medication? Feeling things? Either way, Kaylee just knows that the bunny would never lie to her.

More glass gets into her feet with each step while making a crunch sound, a tear starts forming inside of Kaylee's eye from the pain. The bunny completely ignores her, in which Kaylee automatically tries to justify in her mind as the bunny can't help with something that's not real. The glass jabs further and further into Kaylee's feet with each step, making a horrible stinging sensation, but Kaylee keeps going. By the end of the wet grass, Kaylee is shivering via being both freezing and in terrible pain. Kaylee sits down once she's past the wet grass and she sets her bunny in her lap, it's a white bunny so it would get dirty fast if it got sat down in the dirt. Kaylee starts trying to pick out any glass she can, which stings horribly. Tears of pain prick at Kaylee's eyes and she hisses through her teeth while she tries to pick out any glass she can as the slightest touch of the glass causes indescribable pain. Blood trickles down Kaylee's open cuts on her feet, she couldn't get some glass out via it was in too deep.

"Bunny, why do my feet hurt so much if the glass isn't real?" Kaylee asks, pain throbbing from her feet and a tear or two rolling down her cheek. "It's probably just your mind playing tricks on you, you think your feeling pain, but your actually not! It's like magic!" the bunny smiles at Kaylee, which is comforting to her. Kaylee decides to trust the bunny like always as she scoops it back up into her arms and stands up. "I'm glad I have you here, bunny." Kaylee hugs the bunny close before she starts walking into the forest, still flinching at the sharp pain that now comes with each step.

2:27 AM

Kaylee and her bunny are speaking to distract her from her pain, although Kaylee is mainly just on autopilot, only occasionally tuning into the conversation. Kaylee's feet were aching, but soon she heard a sound in the dark forest to distract her from her pain. Her bunny's ears twitched, ensuring Kaylee wasn't hearing things.

Kaylee looked over to see a red fox, stitches connecting his limbs and patches around his body. She smiled, for this was Cloe the fox, he was quite shy.. "O- oh, hi Kaylee..!" Cloe whispers with his head low, gently walking over to Kaylee, "Oh my gosh, hi Cloe!" Kaylee's eyes were full of pure joy, something a human could never get out of her. "My feet got a whole bunch of glass in them from earlier, you see it, right?" Kaylee asked, she secretly desperately wants clarification from Cloe that she wasn't just seeing things, clarification that her sweet bunny did not give her. "B- but Kaylee, your f- feet look j- just fine..? I think your s- seeing things again.." Cloe stammered as he lowers his head to get a better look, not seeing the blood that is so obvious in Kaylee's eyes. "I told you so, Kaylee! Don't you worry your silly head, you know you can trust me!" the bunny chimes in to further confirm that Kaylee's just seeing things, she now had two people telling her nothing's there.. 'Maybe I am just seeing things..' Kaylee thought to herself, but the pain of the glass digging deeper and deeper into her feet disagreed.

"D- do you mind if I t- tag along..? I'm scared of the dark.." Cloe shamefully turned his head away while speaking, his ears hanging low. "Please do!! The more the merrier, right?" the bunny answered for Kaylee, but Kaylee didn't mind since that's what she planned on saying anyway. Cloe perks up, grinning wildly. "R- really? Thanks!!" Cloe chirps, his voice now more audible than whispering. "Hey, do you maybe know where the others are?" Kaylee asks while she tilts her head slightly. Cloe hesitantly shakes his head with a shameful look, which makes Kaylee sigh but she still gives Cloe a reassuring pat on the head. "That's okay, I guess.." Kaylee speaks, but her disappointment is still obvious via her difficulty in controlling her tone. Cloe smiles asif he's unaware of Kaylee's disappointment. "Keep going," the bunny orders, and so Kaylee listens, walking deeper into the forest with Cloe following beside her.

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