2:40 something AM? - Trash Panda

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Kaylee looks over at Cloe, who is sitting near the tree with Chime having a happy yet calm conversation. "Rascal will probably follow us if we sit over there," the bunny quietly muttered, "let's sit at a different tree."

Kaylee nods while looking down, making her way over to a older, more dead looking tree. Rascal follows not far behind, crunching leaves with his paw. He seems to be having fun with it, even playfully going out of his way to hop onto a leaf or two with Cloe silently watching from a far.

"Psst, that tree looks good!" the bunny uses it's nub paw to point at a tree, in which Kaylee's eyes process a happy purple tree with a cartoon oval eyes happy face on it. "Hi, Kaylee!!" the tree exclaims while bending itself to slightly lean in her direction before pulling back. Kaylee loved seeing trees such as this one, she just never bothered to get to know any of them. Kaylee's eyes sparkled to life, waving with a big toothy grin and sitting facing the tree. She was about to speak when the poor girl got interrupted by Rascal hopping onto her head and getting into the tree's face, snarling. "How do you know her?! Explain yourself, stalker!" Rascal growled while getting up into the tree's face, "No need to be so rude to our friend, Rascal, I'm sure it has it's reasons on why it knows Kaylee, right?" the bunny looks at the tree with a subtle but noticable glare, clearly agitated. Kaylee stares up at the tree with her head slightly tilted down and holding her bunny close, she herself doesn't remember talking to this tree in the past.

After a short silence, the tree grows nervous and tries to stammer up a reason or a comeback, but nothing comes out. With a poof, to Kaylee's surprise, the smooth cartoon purple smiley tree turns into a rough dark brown weird tree. She feels the bark while holding her bunny with one hand, confused as Rascal hops off her head and sits near the tree. Kaylee joins him, the bunny looking over at Rascal with a very small look of approval.

"Why did the tree change? I was curious.." Kaylee pouts, being confused can be rather annoying for her. The bunny speaks softly to comfort her, "That's just what the tree looks like when it's sleepi-" "No, no it's not." Rascal interrupts, "Isn't it obvious to any of you or are you all just gonna keep lying to make her feel better? She's hallucinating, THAT'S what a normal tree looks like, take it in!" Rascal lifts his paw to gesture at the tree, the bunny looks highly offended as Kaylee listens to Rascal being so brutally honest, something she doesn't see from the others. "Just as I was starting to think you might of changed, you just keep on spouting lies wherever you g-" "Stop." Kaylee interrupts her bunny.

The bunny looks up at Kaylee and tilts it's head slightly asif to ask what's wrong. Kaylee avoids looking at her bunny. "Bunny, I wanna talk to Rascal. Alone, preferably." Kaylee bluntly puts the bunny down. Any human would've been mad at her, but the bunny simply nodded in understanding before walking away to Cloe. Kaylee takes a mental note that the bunny doesn't break any leafs when it steps on them.

Rascal grins, smugly yet playfully pointing his tongue out at the bunny as it leaves. Kaylee sits next to Rascal with her back leaning on the tree before Rascal looks up at her with a genuine smile, in which Kaylee only halfway returns the gesture. Rascal is honest, even if it's rude at times, which Kaylee finds refreshing via her other friends usually never say anything she doesn't want to hear. "Thanks, kiddo" Rascal puts his paw up in a semi-fist shape, Kaylee playfully fist bumps him with a small giggle. "Y'know, I'm really not as strict as you probably think I am. I'm oftentimes the life of the party!" he adds on with pride with his head up. Kaylee looks over with a look of surprise. "Really?" her eyes filled with wonder, Rascal snickers. "Yup! Your other.. friends, as you'd probably call them, aren't near as fun as I can be. Trust me on that one, Kay-Kay." Rascal chirps quietly asif telling a secret, Kaylee slightly leans away from Rascal with a grin.

"Well, why don't you all just get along? All nice people get along!" Kaylee suggests, but Rascal slightly frowns and hisses through his teeth. "Well I'm uhh.. different from them. I think different, have a different lil system going on. I'm kinda like how you are with other humans!!" Rascal manages to explain, Kaylee listening attentively. "Plus, I'm the only one that takes charge in actually protecting you." Rascal sighs before climbing up the tree the two are leaning on, Kaylee looks away with a finger on her chin. "If I just let you alone with those things, something could just jump at cha and BOOM!" Rascal suddenly jumps down, landing on Kaylee's head and making her flinch. "It'd just eat you all up and I bet you as much as they may love you, your friends would run off before even thinking of helping you out." Rascal hops off of Kaylee's head, Kaylee now shows more of a sad expression from Rascal's view of her friend. 'Would they really?' she thought to herself.

"Good thing I'm around, eh? Even if I can't fight a big bad monster, I can make a good distraction." Rascal smugly sits down, proud of himself. Kaylee stares down at him for a second with a hint of sadness in her eyes, but she soon smiles at him. "I'm pretty sure I'd be dead before a big bad monster would see you, but thanks for caring.." she puts a hand on Rascal's hand and ruffles his fur. Rascal rolls his eyes playfully, "No problem kiddo."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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