2:32 AM - Love Birds

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"S- so.. What are y- you doing up this late K- Kaylee?" Cloe asks with a nervous smile, being somewhat hesitant to speak. Kaylee looks over at Cloe, but doesn't want to speak. Asif the bunny read her mind, it spoke up for her. "Kaylee is always up this late, Cloe. We just don't usually see you at night." the bunny speaks bluntly, like Kaylee would've if she would of spoken. Cloe looks embarrassed to of even spoken up now as he puts his head down, "Oh, right, o- okay.. That's healthy.." Cloe mutters with his voice nearly dripping with sarcasm, he's too shy to actually speak that sentence in a audible voice.

Kaylee suddenly flinches, hearing a crunch and her foot suddenly throbbing as glass jabs deeper in. "Ow!!! What was that?!" Kaylee exclaims, not handling pain well as her blood starts to boil. "Sweetie, that was a stick. It's okay, your okay," the bunny tries to soothe her, Cole watches. The bunny's words only irritate Kaylee further, her heart rate picks up. "Kaylee? It's o- okay, nothing out here i- is gonna hurt y- you..!" Cole nervously tries to make a comforting smile as he puts one of his paws on Kaylee's leg while looking up at her, like how a human would put a hand on someone's shoulder. Kaylee jolts at the sudden touch, it only irritates her further. She finds the inability to use words, she only backs up from Cole and she kicks the stick in a rage. Cole seems surprised, he never had tried to comfort her before via she never acted negative much around him, but now he just feels like he's being pushed away. Cole sits down with a guilty expression, his ears hanging down low.

Kaylee sits down and she takes the stick, breaking it over and over again into smaller and smaller peaces as the bunny stays silent, letting Kaylee just feel her feels. After a little while, this calms Kaylee down. "Are you feeling better?" the bunny asks as it puts a paw on one of Kaylee's hands, tilting it's head. Kaylee looks a little bit irritated still yet, but she nods. "W- what made you so m- mad? If y- you don't mind me asking.." Cole hesitantly stammers, walking a bit closer to Kaylee now that she's calm. The real reason for Kaylee's anger is how she knows the pain in her feet is real, being told that she's fine and that she's just seeing things by the things she loves was insufferable, but she doesn't know how to word it. Right before Kaylee is about to speak up, Cole's ears raise up. Kaylee seems confused until she hears it too: birds chirping.

"What kind of birds would be up at night?" the bunny asked, confused and acting protective. "Silly, it's Rhyme and Chime!!" Kaylee speaks with joy as she stands back up, the bunny scooped up in her arms. The bunny seems less productive now and more happy via there's no threat.

Cloe looks especially excited as he wags his tail, dashing ahead of Kaylee and the bunny. Kaylee gets giddy and giggles, now chasing Cloe, however the pain in her feet make her a lot slower than him. By the time Kaylee caught up with Cloe, she was a bit late as she saw the green and purple spiky bird with some light pink highlights, Rhyme, was flying around Cloe while a fluffy pastel yellow and pink bird with green highlights, Chime, was already mid conversation with Cloe. "Hiiii!!!" Kaylee waved with excitement, Rhyme and Chime looked over and chipped happily at her arrival.

"Woahh, hey Kay-Kay!! Are you all like a three in one package?" Rhyme chirps, her voice quite raspy as Chime giggles. "Hello, welcome Kaylee!" Chime speaks in a soft and gentle voice, putting her wings together. Kaylee is just happy to see the two birds, slowly forgetting about her anger. Kaylee holds the bunny with one arm and she puts one arm out, Rhyme gently handing on her finger. "I LOVE your outfit, stylish!!" Rhyme puts her head down, looking at Kaylee's incredibly simple sleep outfit. Cloe nervously chimes in, "T- that's a n- normal outfit.." he raises a paw slightly and looks at Rhyme with a playful demeanor. "Hey I'm just a bird, how am I supposed to know human style?" Rhyme playfully flies over to Cloe and lands on his head. The two giggle, Kaylee is full of joy to see the two get along and play. Chime flys over to the bunny, seeming to be a calm contrast from Rhyme. "Well how have you been taking care of our girl back at her house?" Chime speaks softly as the bunny flaps it's paw up and down dismissively. "She's not our kid or anything Chime, but I have been taking pretty good care of her in my opinion." the bunny proudly remarks.

"Hey why don't cha' guys sit at our tree for a lil bit? We could get cha some wormsss!" Rhyme flys over to the other three as Cloe gently walks over with Rhyme, saying worms in a singsong voice. Cloe tries to nervously fake a grin at the offer, hoping that the others would say no so he didn't come off as rude. "Uhh Rhyme honey, humans don't eat worms.." Chime flies over to Rhyme, sounding confused. "Oh.. How about bunnies?" "No, Rhyme." "Foxes?" "Still no.." "Dang." Rhyme sounds a little bit embarrassed.

"Well, do guys maybe want to stay by anyway? I'm sure I can find something you can eat!!" Rhyme offers, but the bunny shakes it's head politely. "Sorry, we're trying to find all of our friends before sunrise, Kaylee's parents wouldn't be too happy to see she spent all night outside.." the bunny puts a paw up, Rhyme seems bummed out. "Aw mannn, maybe next time." she shrugs the best that's she can while flying. "That's completely understandable, I wish you the best condolences." Chime flys up to a tree branch and does a little bow goodbye, Rhyme follows not far behind. "Thanks f- for understanding guys, c- cya later!!" Cloe stammers, but he seems happy as he wags his tail at the two birds. "Cya later lil dude!!" Rhyme waves her wing to Cloe before Chime nudges her. "O- oh and bye to you two, still a radical outfit Kay-Kay!!" Rhyme puts her wings out and Kaylee giggles. "Thanks, Rhyme!!" Kaylee raises her voice a little so the two birds can hear her from their branch.

As the three leave Rhyme and Chime, Rhyme sighs. "What cool dudes." she stays positive, and Chime gives her a peck on the cheek. "They'll be back sooner or later once she heads home, don't worry." Chime leans slightly on Rhyme, causing Rhyme to blush a little. "Yeah, your right." Rhyme sighs and she leans back on Chime slightly, the two drift off to sleep.

(Get it? A PECK on the cheek? Birds?[I'm going insane])

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