First day of school

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(Cassie's pov)

My alarm went off at 6:00 am. I groaned and sat up , drinking some water. I showered then picked out my outfit.
What the outfit looks like:

I grabbed my phone and car keys quickly as I ran outside to my car

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I grabbed my phone and car keys quickly as I ran outside to my car. My parents and brother had already left.

I drove to my favourite coffee shop and waited for destiny , my best friend. A few minutes later I see her rush into the shop. I wave her over and she sits down.

" I love your outfit!"

" thanks , I borrowed your top"

I eyed her top wondering when or if I'm gonna get it back

-time skip-

We stop at our lockers to get some books out for first period when I notice Aimee coming towards us.

"Hey ams what's up?" I greet her

"I'm fine but I have newss"

Me and destiny look at each other

"Tell us right now" destiny says

" there's a new guy coming tomorrow!!"

-time skip-

Pearl fell asleep in class twice already until mr zesty sent her to the principal's office.

-at lunch-

Nathan looked tired as a few girls came up to him to ask for his number.

Pearl showed up late to lunch

"Gosh I hate mr zesty so muchh"

"Hey I woke you up twice! You could've I don't know , tried to stay awake?" I lectured her

She groaned and slammed her head onto the table 

-at home-

After school I went shopping with Aimee and pearl, destiny didn't want to come since her bf invited her over.

I was chilling watching a movie when my mom walks in.

"Honey can you please go and buy groceries we need some and I have to get to the modelling agency"

" okay mom, I'll get them"

-at the store-

I picked out the things on mom's list and got a few extra things for myself.

I was waiting at checkout when a guy started complaining about whatever small inconvenience it was. So I decided to go to self checkout instead.

On my way there I crash into a guy

" oh my gosh , I'm so so sorry!" I cry

"It's fine, really" he replies

I pick myself up and look at him.  After he finishes picking up his things he looks at me and I can see he's surprised.

"Sorry again" I apologise

He just stands there, staring.

" hello??"

"Right , uhm im gonna checkout now" he says snapping out of it.

That's the first chapter done!

I will upload more tomorrow!!

My love life Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin