19- Period

905 16 10

Tim pov

I was making breakfast in the kitchen when Lucy wandered out of our room.

"Hey, sleepy, I made us some breakfast." I said, holding out the eggs on toast I cooked.

She took the plate from me without a word and I furrowed my brow. I sat down next to her on the bench stools.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked.

All she did was shrug. She was obviously moody but I didn't know why.

After we finished eating in silence, she stood.

"I'm gonna have a shower." She didn't even glance in my direction while she spoke.

Once she left my thoughts spiralled. Is she mad at me? What did I do? Was it last night? Did I forget something? Shit what's the date?

I ran over to the calendar and saw it was April 16th. I ran through the checklist in my head. Anniversaries? No. Birthdays? No. Holidays? No. What could it be?

Then it hit me. I should've realised sooner. I raced into Lucy's room and opened the second drawer on my side of the bed.

I pulled out a full sized chocolate bar, pads, tampons, painkillers and the dvd of legally blonde and oceans 8. There was extra ice cream in the fridge for tonight.

I heard the shower turn off in the other room. Then came the expected, "Tim! I need you to go to the store." She stepped out with a towel wrapped around her.

"Already got it." I said grinning.

She took the pads, tampons and painkillers but left everything else.

"Thanks." My face dropped in disappointment.

"You don't want the chocolate?"


"Come on. We can call in sick from work and watch movies all day." I held out the discs to her.

"I'm fine. I don't need you babying me." She said harshly. I was shocked. It was going to be a long week.


I was telling Angela about what happened this morning.

She laughed. "Good luck with that. Lucy can be a bitch on her periods." She spotted Lucy walking over to us. "Speaking of I'm gonna go." She started walking away.

"No Angela don't leave me- Hi Babe." I cut off as Lucy joined me.


Thank god Grey called everyone in for rollcall at that moment.

"Well I guess we better go." I said to Lucy.

She rolled her eyes. "Obviously." She walked away from me and into the room.

I followed after her, taking a seat next to Angela at the back.

"Traitor." I whispered as I sat down. She grinned evilly in response.

Grey went through the usual stuff before calling out daily announcements.

"Chen you'll be riding with Bradford today." Grey said.

I tried to hide my groan. Why today of all days?

We finished up rollcall and I got the war bags for our shop. I thought it was best I do it as not to anger Lucy further.

I returned to the shop to find Lucy sat in the passengers seat.

"Oh, you don't wanna drive?" I asked out of politeness, I always drove and thought she might want to go.

"Would I be sitting here if I did?" She asked rudely.

"Um I guess not." I sat down on my side and started the car.


About halfway through the day we got a call on the radio.

"We've got a gang fight on South Curson Avenue and Airdrome street."

"7-Adam-19 responding." I said.

Lucy gave me a pissed look for not asking her first. God I couldn't do anything right today.

We arrived on scene to find Nolan, Lopez and Harper already there. They were shooting at a group of guys who were shooting back.

"Two ran off down that alley!" Harper pointed.

Lucy and I ran over to the alley, making sure we didn't get hit by the crossfire.

We slowly made our way through the alley, guns at the ready. A man jumped out from behind a dumpster, pouncing on Lucy. She struggled to get him off so I stepped in.

I gave in a hard punch to the stomach, causing him to step back. I then elbowed him in the face, sending him to the ground. I took the opportunity to arrest him and stood back up.

"I don't need your help." Lucy was annoyed that I stepped in.

"Well it looked like you needed it." I was getting pissed off with this whole bitchy act.

"Just let me handle it next time." Just as she spoke, the second guy we were looking for attacked.

He landed a punch in Lucy's face but she managed to kick him in the gut. A few dodged attacks later, he shouldered her it the chest and she hit the pavement.

I was tempted to interfere but didn't want to get yelled at again. Plus I was busy dealing with the other guy I just arrested.

Lucy swiped his legs out from the ground and arrested him.

She then looked over to me, mad. "You could've helped!"

I was astonished, but not in a good way. "You said to let you handle it!"

"Well I obviously needed assistance that time!" She walked away with her criminal.

My mouth hung open in shock. How the hell was I supposed to know?

I followed her back to our shop and saw that the others handled the gang.

We drove back to the station. All I could think was I can't wait for this day to be over.

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