Chapter 3: Leo's PoV

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"Who are you?" As soon as she said it, Leo winced- it had come out a lot crueler than she had expected.

Thankfully, the person did not seem fazed. "I am Lord Moderob, and what I am about to tell you is completely classified. Do you understand?"

Leo nodded silently, wondering where this was going.

Lord Moderob (this was Leo's new favourite name) carried on, and walked (or hovered- she couldn't tell) over to the window that overlooked the forest. "The myths abut the forest- I assume you know of them?"

Leo shrugged. "A bit. Something about a shrine, and a bunch of people who did stuff with elements? I heard it somewhere..."

He gave her a short nod of approval. "That is good, but after I tell you this, you must promise me to find out more about it. It holds information that will vital to you in the coming future."

"I promise. But why? Why do I need to find out more about it? And what do you mean, the upcoming future?"

Lord Moderob, who had been looking out of the window, turned back to her. "I am sorry, young warrior, for it is not in my place to answer questions. Everything will make sense in due time."

Leo crossed her arms- she hated now knowing things. "Fine. But why did you call me that?"

Lord Moderob sighed. "Did I not just tell you? Everything will make sense in due time!"

If she was honest, Leo did not mind: she would probably forget everything he just said in the next half an hour. ADHD things.

He then rubbed his gloved hands together (which reminded Leo a bit of an evil surgeon planning to rule the world)."But there is something else you must know."

Leo paused. "What is it? Oh wait- I'm not allowed to ask questions. Sorry, carry on. Ignore me."

He reached into the folds of his cloak and produced a... bracelet? "Take this, young warrior- it will come of more importance than you expect. Trust me."

"O..kay, thanks?" Leo took ot and slipped it around her right wrist. It felt comfortable, but a bit odd, like there was more to it that just what it seemed.

Lord Moderob stared at her with his blood-red eyes. "But please- do not trust anyone that is not human. In this world, people will do anything for power. So do not trust anyone."

Anyone who was not human? What were they then: vampires? Nonetheless, Leo agreed. "No trusting anyone who isn't human. Got that."

He looked around. "I must go now; my time here is limited."

A sudden though struck Leo. "Wait, I have a quick question." she looked at him, hoping hewould not get offended by this. "Is there a reason as to why your name is boredom backwards?"

Lord Moderob stopped. "I... uh.... now that is also classified information. Anyways, farewell, young warrior, and may your spirit go far." And with that, he vanished almost as soon as he had arrived.

For a few moments, Leo just stared into the space where he had been standing (or hovering- she still could not tell) and tried to make sense of what had just happened, what was going on.

Then she began to laugh.

First the chaser, then the stalker, and now a guy in a cloak telling her wierd things about myths and not trusting anyone. She was not stupid- this had to be some sort of prank. Maybe it was tradition or something in this town. After all, Leo had seen wierd things that others called normal.

She looked at the bracelet that rested on her wrist. It wa silver, and had no design, apart from a single letter dangling from the middle. Only it couldn't be a letter, not in English anway. It was shaped like an M, but the sides and everything else about it looked different. It remided Leo a bit of the ancient languages, like Ancient Greek or even maybe Egyptian Heiroglyphs. Definitely not English though.

𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕓𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕚𝕖𝕤 [REDO] [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now