Chapter 10: We Meet Again

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Cyno exited his house and began to walk to the Corps of Thirty headquarters in Sumeru City. They should have gotten the Eremites to at least talk a bit over the night. But if they didn’t… He’d do it himself. It was a rather short walk, only five to ten minutes, but he was shocked to see when he had got there that everyone was in a frenzy?

“Calm yourselves! What happened here?” The scarlet-eyed man commanded as he stepped into the building. He looked around to see the furniture was scattered all over the floor, a few windows were broken, but… Nothing, not even any weapons were stolen.

“G-general Mahamatra! Devastating news! Last night while a few of the officers were on break, the captives you brought somehow escaped! We suspect that they might have had backup, but we honestly have no clue. There were people still in the building too!” A guard of the Corps of Thirty exclaimed out of fright from just a few feet away.

“Calm down, there is indeed a reasonable explanation for this chaos. Clean up  headquarters, I’ll take care of the rest.” Cyno responded as he carefully inspected the room once again before turning to the guard again.

“Y-yes sir! But are you sure you want to take this one? I promise we are more than capable of catching them, it was our irresponsibility that caused their escape.” The Corps member replied.

“Hmm… If you insist, so be it. But do make sure to tell me if help is needed.” The young General nodded. But he couldn’t help but go into thought. “The Corps of Thirty is a very careful organization, normally something like this would never happen. And there were supposed to be guards on the night shift all night. No, this couldn’t have just been bad luck, it was a planned escape. But how and when would they have the time to contact their fellow Eremites? I knocked them out and never let them leave my sight until I took them here. I have a feeling even the Temple of Silence would have lost them.”

“Thank you, sir. We won’t let this opportunity go to waste, promise!” The Corps member stated as he ran off to the others to help clean up the mess that was now the building. At this sight, Cyno smiled softly and began to walk away to begin his patrol around the city before going to the desert to patrol there as well.

He stepped out of the Corps of Thirty headquarters and began to walk around the city. He carefully gazed around the morning market looking for any suspicious activity. The busting of the crowds and stalls was louder than the groan of a Sumpter beast at that point. Chitter and chatter filled the air with words of advertisements and laughter, along with bargaining and arguing. Seemed normal, but who knew what was normal these days? Things were constantly changing so, so would the norm on the streets. That was the reason when on these streets… Self-awareness was key to not having all your Mora taken away by a scamming scum.

Merchants hollard and bantered as barrels and carts were rolled around, bringing shipments from Port Ormos to the main City. For a visitor streets like these would be quite hard to navigate. Taking into account the structure of the Akademiya and the twisting paths and streets that all made it one big maze. Often, Cyno would find himself trying to give directions to travelers only for them to go full circle. It was also the main reason spotting criminals was difficult in the city. The maze-like paths of Sumeru City meant that there were many escape routes, and many places to hide.

It was a bit of a pain sometimes, but it was still manageable enough. As he walked through the city, the young scarlet-eyed man’s attention was taken when he noticed a familiar sunset-red-haired girl at a stall. But the stall owner seemed pretty insistent on her buying more than she needed, shoving more and more flowers into her hands and giving her more and more deals. He could tell by her expression that she was a little overwhelmed by the situation.

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