☠Episode 1☠

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As the sun rose over the towering spires of New Seoul University, Taehyung found himself standing at the gates, a nervous knot forming in the pit of his stomach. The grandeur of the campus seemed to mock his humble origins, the polished marble and gleaming facades a stark contrast to the dilapidated buildings of his hometown.

Clutching his bag tightly to his chest, Taehyung took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. Every step felt like a battle against the suffocating weight of his insecurities, each glance from passing students a silent judgment of his inadequacy.

Entering the labyrinthine halls of academia, Taehyung felt like a small fish in a vast ocean, surrounded by a sea of unfamiliar faces and whispered conversations. The air hummed with anticipation, the promise of knowledge and opportunity hanging thick in the atmosphere.

Yet, despite the excitement buzzing around him, Taehyung couldn't shake the gnawing feeling of unease that clung to him like a shadow. It wasn't just the intimidating aura of privilege that made him feel out of place; there was something else, something darker lurking beneath the surface.

As he made his way to his first class, Taehyung couldn't help but feel the weight of scrutiny bearing down upon him. The rich kids, with their designer clothes and haughty sneers, seemed to sense his discomfort, casting mocking glances in his direction as they whispered amongst themselves.

But Taehyung refused to let their disdain break his resolve. With every step, he squared his shoulders and straightened his spine, determined to prove that he belonged in this hallowed institution, no matter how much they tried to tear him down.

And so, as the first bell chimed and the professor began to speak, Taehyung took his seat, his heart pounding in his chest but his spirit unbroken. For he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would face them head-on, armed with nothing but his determination and the fire burning bright within his soul.

As the first period ended, Taehyung found himself surrounded by a group of five boys, their imposing figures casting a shadow over him. The first boy, with a smirk on his face, inquired, "Hey, what's your name?" Taehyung's voice wavered slightly as he responded, "I am Kim Taehyung."

The second boy, his tone dripping with condescension, asked, "What does your father do?" Taehyung hesitated for a moment before admitting, "I'm an orphan. I only have my uncle, aunty, and cousin. I stay with them."

The third and fourth boys exchanged knowing glances before the third one spoke up, "And what does your uncle do?" Taehyung shifted uncomfortably before replying, "Oh, he's just an employee at a company."

Before Taehyung could catch his breath, the fifth boy's voice cut through the air, sharper and more hostile, "So how the hell did you manage to join this university?" Taehyung's heart raced, panic creeping into his voice as he stammered, "I'm a scholarship student. My friend's dad has a friend who is a teacher here, and somehow, through their connections and a scholarship, I managed to enroll."

The first boy, who seemed to be the ringleader, intervened, his tone slightly softer, "Sang Woo, chill out. Look at the boy, he's already scared." Taehyung let out a shaky breath, grateful for the brief reprieve.

But before he could relax, the second boy's voice rang out again, filled with malice, "Got ourselves a new playtoy, boys! Let's have some fun with the new nerdy boytoy." Taehyung's eyes widened in shock at the sudden shift in demeanor of the boys, his stomach churning with dread as he realized he was now at their mercy.

Taehyung's heart pounded in his chest as Sang Woo's words echoed in his ears. Anger and fear surged within him, but he forced himself to stand tall, refusing to cower before these bullies.

"I am not your slave or boytoy!" Taehyung retorted, his voice trembling with defiance. "I came here to study, not to be your puppet."

But his words fell on deaf ears as Sang Woo shoved him forcefully, sending him stumbling backward. Taehyung gritted his teeth, his hands balling into fists as he fought to maintain his composure.

Sang Woo's smirk twisted into a cruel grin as he loomed over Taehyung, his eyes flashing with malice. "Listen here, little shit," he sneered. "You are now our slave. That's how things work in a rich university like this. The poor serve the rich, and you're no exception."

Taehyung's blood boiled with rage at the injustice of it all, but he knew he was outnumbered and outmatched. Still, he refused to back down, meeting Sang Woo's gaze with steely determination.

As Sang Woo continued to taunt him, the other boys chimed in, introducing themselves with mocking smiles. Taehyung memorized their names, each one becoming etched in his mind like a brand. Joon Ho, Ju Yong, Jung Yoon, Lee Sam—all accomplices in his torment.

But it was Sang Woo, the self-proclaimed leader, who held the reins of power, his words like a death sentence hanging over Taehyung's head.

In that moment, Taehyung knew he was in for the fight of his life—a battle not just for his dignity, but for his very survival in a world where the rich preyed upon the weak without remorse. But he refused to surrender to despair, for he still held onto one thing they could never take away—his indomitable spirit.


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