☠Episode 2☠

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As Taehyung endured the humiliating tasks assigned to him by his tormentors, his heart grew heavier with each passing moment. The weight of their cruelty pressed down on him like a suffocating blanket, smothering his hopes and dreams with every demeaning order.

Unable to join half of his classes due to their relentless demands, Taehyung felt the sting of injustice burning deep within him. He longed for nothing more than to escape this living nightmare, to break free from the chains of poverty that bound him to this cruel fate.

Each time they threw their food at him, mocking his lack of wealth, Taehyung's resentment festered like an open wound. If only he were born into privilege, none of this would be happening. If only he could erase the scars of his past, the memories of that tragic day when his parents perished in a blaze of fire.

The image haunted him, the flames devouring everything he held dear, leaving nothing but ashes in their wake. He could still hear the screams echoing in his mind, the desperate cries of those trapped in the inferno, including his own parents.

But amidst the anguish and despair, Taehyung found a flicker of determination burning within him—a resolve to rise above the cruelty of his circumstances, to carve out a future for himself despite the odds stacked against him.

And so, as he trudged through the halls of New Seoul University, his spirit battered but unbroken, Taehyung vowed to defy the darkness that threatened to consume him, to find the strength to endure until the day he could reclaim his dignity and forge his own path in this unforgiving world.

As Taehyung returned home, the weight of the day's torment still heavy upon his shoulders, he was greeted by the familiar sight of his uncle's warm smile. His uncle was a beacon of kindness in a world that often felt cold and cruel, a comforting presence that provided solace in the face of adversity.

But as Taehyung stepped through the door, his aunt's sharp voice cut through the air like a knife, her disdainful words casting a shadow over the warmth of his uncle's welcome. Taehyung forced a smile, masking the pain that gnawed at his soul as he endured her taunts and jibes.

His niece, Kira, hovered nearby, a constant reminder of his burdensome existence. She wielded her innocence like a weapon, manipulating Taehyung into doing her bidding with a sweetness that masked her selfish intentions.

Day in and day out, Taehyung toiled under the weight of their expectations, his spirit worn thin by the constant barrage of demands and insults. He knew their tricks, knew how they twisted the truth to suit their own needs, but he had no choice but to play along, lest he risk losing the only semblance of family he had left.

As he retreated to his room, the walls closing in around him, Taehyung felt the crushing weight of despair settle over him like a suffocating blanket. The thought of another day trapped in this cycle of misery filled him with a sense of hopelessness so profound it threatened to consume him.

In the darkness of his solitude, Taehyung found himself grappling with thoughts of escape, of ending the pain once and for all. But even as the darkness whispered its seductive promises, a flicker of determination remained—a small ember of resilience that refused to be extinguished.

For Taehyung knew that as long as there was breath in his lungs and fire in his heart, he would continue to fight, to endure, until the day he could break free from the chains that bound him and forge a new destiny of his own making.

As Taehyung woke to the news of a holiday, a glimmer of hope flickered within him, a brief respite from the endless cycle of servitude and suffering. But his fleeting moment of joy was soon overshadowed by the reality of his situation.

With his uncle away, Taehyung found himself at the mercy of his aunt and niece once again, their demands weighing heavily on his weary shoulders. Despite the supposed day of rest, there was no escape from the endless chores and errands they thrust upon him, their words and actions a constant reminder of his lowly status in their eyes.

As he watched his aunt dote on his niece, showering her with affection and indulgence, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness gnawing at his insides. It was a stark contrast to the treatment he received, a reminder of the stark divide between the haves and the have-nots in their household.

His niece, with her high school bravado and cruel streak, seemed to revel in her newfound power, regaling her mother with tales of her exploits with a twisted sense of pride. Taehyung's heart sank as he listened, the memories of yesterday's humiliation flooding back with painful clarity.

It was a stark reminder of the harsh reality he faced, a world where the rich held all the power and the poor were left to fend for themselves. Even the teachers, supposed bastions of knowledge and justice, turned a blind eye to his suffering, their silence a tacit endorsement of the status quo.

But amidst the despair and disillusionment, Taehyung found a glimmer of defiance burning within him—a determination to rise above the oppression and carve out a better future for himself, no matter the odds stacked against him. And as he faced another day of hardship and indignity, he vowed to hold onto that spark of hope, no matter how dim it may seem, until the day he could break free from the chains that bound him and soar towards a brighter tomorrow.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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