Chapter five: Cottage.

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     Me, Lesley and Nora were gripped with a type of fear we had never experienced in our lives. I was quite surprised Nora hadn't fainted from fear, but remembered she took her pills earlier this morning. We just stood there staring into space, thinking of what went wrong, it was getting darker and we still couldn't find the camper.
     "You must be looking for your camper." An old woman said, behind us. I nearly fainted from shock. Nora began gasping for air, as she was having a panic attack. I rushed to her pocket and gave her, her inhaler. When Nora calmed down, Lesley and I took a closer look at the old woman. She had blue eyes and grey hair, she obviously looked around her eighties.
    "Who are you?" I finally asked, because I was quite shocked to see a person due to the fact that Lesley, Nora and I walked through this whole forest and not even a bird did we see.
     "The only safe place for you, for now is there." She said, pointing her walking stick to a cottage, which wasn't there before, but probably just appeared when she pointed her stick there.
     "That wasn't there before." Nora whimpered.
     "I'm totally not going there." Lesley said gazing at the cottage with a horrified expression.
     "Your loss, besides it won't be long before you're gone too." She laughed, walking away.
     "Ma'am, excuse me, please how do we get out of here?" I inquired.
     "You can't." She said, and continued walking away.
     "Please Ma'am, help us we urgently need your help. Please help us to get out of here we're stuck." I pleaded almost crying.
     "Like I said you can't escape from this place, unless you are extremely intelligent or a genius. Which you certainly aren't." She said eyeing us.
     "Please we are." I lied - wait it's not pretty much a lie because truth be told I'm intelligent to an extent, right? I'm not even sure. Just joking or maybe not....
     The old woman sighed and said "The only way out is to solve the puzzles."
     "Which puzzles?" I asked.
     "That's the question, which puzzle now solve the puzzle." She said.
      I looked at her like she was nuts and she disappeared.

     "Wowwww, that was very helpful." Lesley said sarcastically, after recovering from the shock of her disappearance. Immediately the old woman disappeared Nora didn't have a panic attack instead, she fainted.

     Every minute that passed by, became darker and chilly. Immediately the old woman left the atmosphere dropped and everywhere became chilly. I looked downwards at the unconcious Nora that laid on the ground and rubbed my palms in an effort to warm myself.
     "There's no way, we can just stay here in the middle of a forest with Nora laying unconcious on the bare ground. We have to go to the cottage." I told Lesley.
     "And then what? Die? I'm not risking my life in that thing." Lesley said.
     "Atleast Let's go there for Nora, we can't just leave her here, she would die from cold. And what about us? Do you think it's reasonable to stay here in the middle of a forest in the cold and die or it's better to try our luck, enter that cottage and probably live to see another day."
     Lesley contemplated what I said, and after sometime agreed with me. Lesley and I carried the unconcious Nora to the cottage. The cottage looked like those from tales of goldilocks and the three bears. The chairs and tables were made of pure timber and the rug made of animal skin. There was also a head of a bull which was attached to the fire place.

     I switched on the light, and realized there was a short staircase which led to a door. The kitchen and living room was downstairs, so that door probably led to a room. Lesley and I placed Nora on a couch in the living room, with only a dim blue light illuminating the living room - why blue? Why not red? Red is obviously better.
     "I'm going to check around this place for safety." I said picking up a candle.
     "Let me accompany you." Lesley suggested.
     "No you have to stay here and watch over Nora. I can't have what happened to Helen, Dave and the camper happen to Nora." I said, trying to play the hero. Lesley nodded in agreement and sat back on the couch.
     I lit the candle and headed towards the kitchen. Immediately I entered the kitchen I received a message from the unknown number. It said
     "Pick up the ear pods on the kitchen counter and put in your ears."
     I directed the candle to the kitchen counter and to my dismay I saw a set of ear pods.
Author's note.
Hello, how are you doing?
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And don't worry, Nicole and her friends would be staying in that forest for a pretty long time - you know camping *winks*
Once again thanks for reading my book. I would really love to know how you came across my book and how it is in your library.

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