Chapter 26

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The school year had ended with Slitherin once again ending up as the winner for the house cup and after a nice dinner along with the grueling long train ride back which was actually nice since he got to cuddle wirh Hedwig Harry was back with the Dursleys

And like last time it was the same work for them or be threatened with violence or lack of food both of which didnt affact Harry in the slightly well the constant threats and the Dursleys believing themselves superior did very much annoy Harry

But he only continued to spare the muggle family and "obeyed" them only to keep up an appearance so that way Dumbledore would be none the wiser as his sudden rise to power within the Slitherin's would have surely raised red flags or set off alarm bells in that old mans head

So he needed to appear that he wasnt as powerful as he truely was and that he merely used his cunning wit to win over the Slitherin's after all its 1 of the main traits to get into Slitherin but that doesnt matter for now as the start of school was a month or so away

But at least he had Hedwig with him coming in for daily visits and been the sole reason the Dursleys have yet to be prematurely murdered cause their have been a couple times that Harry nearly said Fuck It and would have killed the Dursleys

But as of right now Harry was currently  in his "room" just sitting on the bed in contemplating thought nonthing important just anything and everything he wanted to keep himself preoccupied as today coming to dinner was Aunt Marge the older sister of Vernon

Dealing with the Dursleys is already a pain but now having to put up with another especially since if Harry knows Vernon he will likely try to impress his sister which means more bothersome for Harry even if its for 1 dinner but he will put up with it after all what is the worst that can happen

As Harry would get out a pamphlet sheet that had been given to him by 1 of his teachers before he left to return back to the Dursleys as on the pamphlet it was a permission form so he can go to a little village not far away from Hogwarts called Hogsmeade

But it was a form that had to be signed by his legal guardians which are unfortunately the Dursleys and Harry knows that they will never sign this form and Harry knows that Dumbledore is also likely aware of this

So the old man was testing him this year possibly to see what he might do knowing that he wont be granted to go to Hogsmeade while everyone else gets too an unfair set of events ok then Harry will play this game

Of course this wont stop him from going to Hogsmeade far from it as this only means he will have to be more creative after all and now that he is thinking about it he could go into the Dark Forrest for fun


Harry would lower the paper when he heard Vernon yell for him it looks like Marge was here just great so standing up Harry would destroy the form as it will never serve him any purpose from here on out as he made his way down stairs

From which he would spot the front door open a fat peice of work walk though the door in the most ugly set of muggle clothing befitting that of a Dursley to walk in clearly this thing was Marge and coming into the door was a bull dog that actually growls at Harry and advances towards him as Harry

Who merely glances down at the clearly aggressive dog that was not properly trained that or was purposely trained to be aggressive come at him and it wad immediate that somthing had frightened the dog as it started to whimper and scatter away from the boy having just dodge Death

Marge clearly not understanding what had occured would scoff at the dog unlike Vernon who glares at Harry to not do any of his freakishness but Harry ignores Vernon

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