A Garden Spat

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"Bwah?! Housewarden!" he yelps as y/n mentally sighs,[Welp, it was nice knowing you, Ace.] she thought as she rubs her belly,"Hey, Riddle! What's shakin', pal? You're lookin' adorbs, as always!" Cater quickly butts in, in hopes to dispel the tense situation Ace has just gotten himself into,"Hmph. Cater, keep running that mouth and you'll lose it, along with the rest of your head." Riddle warns with crossed arms as Cater backs away.

"Sorry, sorry! My bad!" he says nervously,"Myah?! You're the guy who put that stupid collar on me at the orientation ceremony!" Grim yelps as he points accusingly at Riddle, who pays attention to the Ramshackle Duo now,"And you're the new students who were nearly expelled yesterday. I'll ask that you not refer to my signature spell as a 'stupid collar'." he says stiffly as he frowns at Grim.

"The headmage's habit of tolerating rulebreakers like you is going to send this entire campus spiraling into chaos one day. Those who break the rules should have their heads removed immediately, without exception." he adds as he narrows his eyes at y/n, who nervously keeps a hand on her stomach. Riddle notices this and softens his expression slightly.

"Dude, seriously? This guy looks like a wimp, but talks like a monster!" Ace whispers quietly to himself as Cater wraps an arm around y/n's shoulder protectively, after what Riddle had said,"The headmage may have forgiven you, but if you break any further rules, I assure you I will not." Riddle warns and Ace gulps down his anxiety as he speaks up.

"So, uh, listen, housewarden, sir... Any chance I could get you to remove this collar?" he asks with a sheepish smile and Riddle cups his own chin,"I had intended to remove it once you'd taken an opportunity to reflect upon your crimes. But I've not detected so much as a hint of remorse in the foolishness I've heard you spout today. So I think I'll let you keep that for a while." he says and Ace pales at this while Riddle waves a hand in the air.

"Don't worry. The freshman curriculum is more focused on magical theory than practice. And your inability to use magic will help prevent incidents along the lines of what happened yesterday." he explains and crosses his arms again,"Now, if you've finished your meal, you should quit gossiping and prepare for your next class. Rule 271 is quite clear: 'One must leave the table within fifteen minutes of completing their lunch'. You DO understand what happens to rulebreakers, I trust?" he narrows his eyes at the group.

"More insane rules..." Ace sighs under his breath and Riddle gives him a cold look,"I believe you mean to say, 'Yes, Housewarden!'" he corrects and both Ace and Deuce shot out of their seats from fright,"Yes, Housewarden!" they resping loudly as y/n gives them a concerned look,"Very well, then." Riddle nods, satisfied with their quick change of attitude.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on them." Trey reassures his Housewarden,"Hmm. As vice housewarden, I trust you'll avoid any further indiscreet conversation. Now, as per rule 339... 'The post-meal beverage is to be lemon tea with two sugar cubes'. Thus, I must go to acquire my sugar cubes. Farewell." Riddle greets before walking off, mumbling under his breath,"Don't even get me started on their violation of running out of sugar cubes...!"

Cater sighs with relief as he releases y/n,"Yeesh! That was terrifying." he says as Grim sweatdrops,"That guy... has some serious issues." he comments bluntly as he hops out of y/n's lap and onto the table,"Hey, don't disrespect him!" Deuce scolds the little monster while y/n overhears a conversation nearby between two other Heartslabyul students.

"Is the housewarden gone?"

"I totally just broke rule 186, 'Never eat a hamburger on Tuesday'. I don't know what I would have done if he'd caught me!"

"... I wish he wouldn't come here so we could at least eat lunch in peace."

Apparently, the others heard this too as the atmosphere became tense,"Okay, this is going to be straightforward of me, but...how did a guy like Riddle become Housewarden?" y/n asks boldly,"Riddle managed to secure the housewarden title before the end of his very first week at school. I know he can come off a bit harsh, but he's not a bad guy. Everything he does, he does because he thinks it'll improve the dorm." Trey explains with a small smile.

Twisted Wonderland x reader: Magic Baby! Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora