Chapter 20: Tea Time Perspective

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I got nothing 🤷‍♀️
I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)


The sound of a kettle is one that Neuvillette is clearly unused to. It makes sense, he'd confessed to Wriothesley that he'd not even owned one, or anything remotely related to tea before he brought Wriothesley home. Which had been what set the Omega off on his quest to bring his Alpha back pretty much anything and everything tea-related as a gift.

Just because Wriothesley had asked for tea as part of the grocery run.

Wriothesley hides a chuckle with a cough when his Omega nearly jumps from his seat next to him at the dining table when the kettle whistles. Archons, Neuvillette is so unintentionally adorable at times. Wriothesley has to leave the Dragon there at the dining table briefly to collect the kettle, quickly getting up from his seat to trot eagerly into the kitchen.

Wriothesley carefully reaches to turn the element off before he grabs an oven mitt to pull the kettle off the stovetop. He's already placed the trivet that goes with the kettle on the dining table, where Wriothesley carries the kettle to now. He does so, and looks to Neuvillette, who is still perusing the selection of loose teas he's gifted to the Alpha.

"Would you like to try this one, Wriothesley? It smells very light and floral," Neuvillette comments as Wriothesley takes his seat next to him once more.

Wriothesley plucks the offered packaging from Neuvillette's hold to take a whiff of the leaves himself. As Neuvillette said, it smells floral and light. A nice calming tea for the early evening after all of that today. He nods in agreement and reaches to remove the lid from the teapot to shake some of the loose tea into the infuser. Just enough tea that should be good enough for two cups. Wriothesley replaces the lid after pouring the boiled water from the kettle, glancing at the clock so he may time it to avoid over-steeping.

The teapot is truly the centerpiece of the Omega's gift to Wriothesley and currently sits pride of place on the dining table where they've sat side by side as they wait for the tea to steep. It's truly a gorgeous piece. Porcelain from Liyue. It's likely the most expensive thing that Wriothesley has ever personally been gifted. So far, at least, and considering how Neuvillette insists on spoiling him, Wriothesley doubts that it will be the last.

The hot water inside prevents Wriothesley from trailing his fingers along the intricate design painted around the tea pot itself like he'd done before when he'd first opened his gift. Wriothesley can't remember if he even properly thanked Neuvillette, eager as he was to get the pot going to indulge in one of the teas.

The Alpha does so now, tapping on the Omega's shoulder so Neuvillette turns to face him, where Wriothesley brings a flat hand up to his chin and extends it towards his mate.

"Thank you." Wriothesley punctuates the thanks with a kiss on the Dragon's cheek.

"You're most welcome, Wriothesley," Neuvillette responds with a warm smile.

It's a polite response, to be expected from his Omega, but the Alpha can tell that Neuvillette is incredibly pleased that he likes the gift. It makes Wriothesley wonder more about just how long Neuvillette has been wanting to do exactly this; spoil his Chosen. Dragons, from what Wriothesley is gathering, can live centuries. Neuvillette certainly seems to have lived a handful already.

From the Omega's reaction during their very first meeting, and how the Dragon has acted since, it's easy for Wriothesley to surmise that he's the first of Neuvillette's Chosen. Will Neuvillette even have another in his lifetime, or will Wriothesley be it? The thought saddens the Alpha. The Dragon deserves to be adored and cherished for as long as possible.

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