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The next day, my mom decided to skip work and offered to drop me off at school. "Okay, Mom, see you tonight," I said as I hopped out of the car. She smiled and shouted, "Love you!" I beamed back and replied, "I LOVE YOU TOO!" in my usual loud voice, drawing a few curious glances, as usual.

As I ascended the front steps, I spotted Adelynn, the new girl from yesterday, chatting with our basketball coach, a small, chubby but fit woman. Adelynn noticed me and smiled, pointing in my direction as she said something to the coach. When the coach turned to me, a hint of recognition crossed her face, followed by a small smile. She motioned for me to join them, and I reluctantly made my way over, knowing I was already running late.

"Hey, Coach," I greeted her, my curiosity piqued.

"Mary, why don't you try teaching Adelynn some basketball?" she suggested, nodding towards the girl, who waved shyly.

"Why?" I asked, my tone slightly bitter, though not excessively so.

I know, I know, I was practically swooning over her yesterday, and now I sound like I can't stand her. Sure, she's pretty, but I'm not exactly thrilled about spending my time teaching someone who probably doesn't even know the basics of basketball. It wasn't like it was love at first sight or anything; she just happened to look cute in her outfit yesterday. Unfortunately, today she was dressed in sweats and a T-shirt, and the charm wasn't quite there. My gaze flickered to her face, and I quickly looked away when I realized she was already looking at me with a concerned expression and a sheepish smile. My cheeks flushed slightly at being caught mid-outfit-analyzing.

"Hey! Mary!" Ms. Frida, my coach, snapped her fingers in front of my face, her expression incredulous. "Did you not hear the whole speech I just gave?!" she chided, her voice harsh but restrained. Adelynn rolled her eyes, clearly given up all hope and headed towards the front door.

"Seriously, Mary. Please, Adelynn just happens to be my niece, and things with my siblings just got better. I know this is a big ask, but you could use the extra practice for yourself. It never hurts to improve," she pleaded, disappointment evident in her voice.

"I mean; do you really hate her without even knowing her?" she added softly.

"No! I mean, I'll teach her, whatever," I replied quickly. The last thing I wanted was for my coach to see fault in me. That would crush me.

"Thank you. Of course, only when you don't have practice or anything important," she said with a relieved smile.

"Sure, but not to be rude or anything, why can't you teach her or have someone else on the team do it?" I pressed, a hint of doubt in my voice.

"Believe me, that girl is hard to please. She insisted she wanted the captain to teach her. Apparently, no one else will be good, and I can't coach her because I'm her 'aunt'...? That kid gets everything her way," she explained, shaking her head with a small chuckle.

"Sounds like a spoiled brat," I blurted, my eyes widening as I realized what I'd said. Quickly, I brought my hand to my mouth. "I'm sorry," I added, hoping I hadn't offended her.

She burst into laughter, a sound so genuine it caught me off guard. "I'm going to have to agree with you on that one," she chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Her expression suddenly turned serious. "Don't tell her I said that," she pleaded, glancing towards a distant figure calling her from the track. With a nod in my direction, she hurried off, leaving me slightly bewildered.


"URGHHHHHH," I groaned loudly at the unwelcome sound of the bell, signaling my lateness once again. With a resigned sigh, I trudged into the high school, feeling like I was stepping into the ninth circle of hell.

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