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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the lush landscape of the cultivation world, a celestial invitation descended upon the realm, its ethereal presence felt by all who practiced the ancient arts of cultivation.

To the esteemed leaders and disciples of the main clans of the cultivation world,

Greetings unto you from the serene peaks of Celestial Mountain, where the ancient energies of the cosmos converge in harmony. It is with great reverence and anticipation that we extend this celestial invitation to you, esteemed practitioners of the noble arts of cultivation.

In the tranquil embrace of our mountain sanctuary, where the whispers of the wind carry the wisdom of the ages and the rivers flow with the essence of enlightenment, we shall gather to commune and share in the boundless knowledge of the celestial realms.

On this auspicious occasion, we are honored to extend our hospitality to the illustrious Yunmeng Jiang, the venerable Gusu Lan, the resolute Lanling Jin, the steadfast Qinghe Nie, and all other esteemed clans whose noble pursuits have shaped the destiny of our world.

Come, traverse the winding paths of Celestial Mountain and partake in the sacred rituals of fellowship and enlightenment. Let us unite in harmony, bridging the divides that separate us, and together, let us illuminate the path towards a brighter future for all cultivators.

May the winds guide your journey, and may the stars illuminate your path as you make your way to the summit of Celestial Mountain.

With deepest respect and anticipation,

Boashen Sanren
Guardian of Celestial Mountain

The message, written in shimmering characters, beckoned the cultivators to the revered Celestial Mountain, a place rarely graced by mortal footprints.

Among the first to accept this divine summons were the disciples of Yunmeng Jiang, their leader, Jiang Cheng, recognizing the significance of the call. With determination etched upon their faces, they set forth on their journey, their swords gleaming in anticipation.

Following closely behind were the disciples of Gusu Lan, their leader Lan Xichen, the esteemed Sect Leader, guiding his disciples with serene confidence. Yet, amidst the orderly procession, Lan Zhan, the second young master of the Lan Clan, found himself consumed by a rare nervousness.

For five long years, he had yearned to see and perhaps speak with Wei Ying once more, the enigmatic cultivator whose memory lingered like an unfading melody in his heart.Lan Zhan stood in the courtyard of the Gusu Lan sect, his gaze fixed upon the serene moonlit sky. Beside him, his elder brother, Lan Xichen, watched with a gentle understanding in his eyes.

Lan Xichen: "Wei Ying's name has been absent from our lips for far too long, Wangji. It weighs heavily upon your heart, does it not?"

Lan Zhan nodded, his expression grave. "Indeed, Xiaozhang. I cannot shake the feeling of regret for my past actions towards him. I fear I may have contributed to his departure from the cultivation world."

Lan Xichen placed a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. "You carry a burden that is not yours alone, Lan Zhan. The events that transpired were the result of many factors, not least of which was the chaos that engulfed us all."

Lan Zhan bowed his head, a rare vulnerability in his demeanor. "Nevertheless, I cannot shake the feeling that I failed him. That I allowed my pride and stubbornness to cloud my judgment."

Lan Xichen regarded his brother with a solemn gaze. "It takes great strength to admit one's mistakes, wangji. And greater still to seek forgiveness. If you truly wish to make amends with Young Master Wei, then let your heart guide you. Speak your truth with sincerity, and trust that he will hear you."

Lan Zhan took a deep breath, steeling himself for the journey ahead. "Thank you, Xiaozhang. Your wisdom gives me courage. I shall not let this opportunity pass me by."

Wei Ying I am sorry for everything that I did to you I hope I can make it up and I want us to start all over again.

As they prepared to depart for Celestial Mountain, Lan Zhan carried within him a newfound resolve. With each step towards their destination, he whispered silent apologies to the wind, knowing that beneath the veiled mysteries of the celestial realm, the threads of fate would soon intertwine once more.

With each step towards Celestial Mountain, Lan Zhan's thoughts were consumed by the possibility of their reunion, his heart a tumultuous storm of hope and apprehension.

As the journey continued, the anticipation among the cultivators grew palpable, each step bringing them closer to the celestial realm where destiny awaited. And amidst the gathering shadows of dusk, Lan Zhan's resolve remained steadfast, for he knew that beneath the veiled mysteries of Celestial Mountain, the threads of fate would soon intertwine once more.

Nestled amidst rolling hills and verdant forests, its peaks reach towards the heavens, their snowy summits glistening like diamonds in the embrace of the sun.

As one approaches Celestial Mountain, a sense of tranquility washes over the soul, as if the very air hums with the melody of celestial harmonies. The scent of wildflowers and evergreens perfumes the breeze, weaving a tapestry of fragrances that enrapture the senses.

Upon ascending the winding paths that lead to its summit, one is greeted by a panorama of breathtaking vistas. Emerald valleys stretch out below, cradling crystal-clear lakes that mirror the azure skies above. Waterfalls cascade down sheer cliffs, their cascading torrents a symphony of nature's grace.

At the heart of Celestial Mountain lies a tranquil garden, a sanctuary of serenity where ancient cherry blossoms sway in the gentle breeze. Here, the songbirds serenade the heavens, their melodies echoing through the verdant glades like whispers of forgotten love poems.

As day transitions into night, the celestial ballet unfolds above, with stars adorning the velvet canvas of the sky like jewels scattered by divine hands. The moon, luminous and serene, casts its silver glow upon the landscape, illuminating every corner of this earthly paradise.

In the embrace of Celestial Mountain, time seems to stand still, as if the world itself holds its breath in reverence for the beauty that surrounds it. Here, amidst the splendor of nature's grandeur, one cannot help but be humbled by the majesty of creation, and inspired by the timeless poetry that flows through its veins.

I can't sleep yet so I decided to put this one up, since I can't wait. I don't even know when would I be able to write the next chapter but I'm not gonna make promises but will try alright? So, we shall see what will happen next. Is the story being too fast or it's all good? Lettme know what you ladies think hehe 😅
I will try and get some sleep now, as I was having a terrible headache 🥴 and I'm working again tomorrow see ya.
Love you all xoxo 💋
Best regards,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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