Astenugget finds Ketsnugget

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One day, Astenugget, Ketsnugget, 6arelynugget and D3rnugget were just walking around there little world far, far, far away from earth, but then all of a sudden they heard a crack coming pretty far away, "whats that noise?" Ketsnugget said. "I dont know? Should we go check it out?" Astenugget said. All said yes so with there stubby little feet they started walking towards were the cracking noise is coming. As the noise kept getting loude and louder they suddenly saw a purple glow coming pretty close. "What that glow?" 6arelynugget said. When they arrived they saw a crack on the ground with that purple glow in it. "What is that!?" Ketsnugget said shocked and confused. But then a crack formed at the little feets of 6arelynugget. Then 6arelynugget fell before they could even react. The last thing they heard was "help me!" In there little voice. The three were shocked and didn't know what to do, they wanted to help 6arelynugget but didn't want to go in. Then they heard the crack get bigger and they saw it going under astenugget and they fell as well. D3rnugget and ketsnugget decided to run away. As they were running the crack got bigger and bigger and went underneath both at the same time. They fell down the purple glow and saw and felt like they were in a purple ocean falling, as they were falling they came at the same velocity as 6arelynugget and astenugget. Now all of them were falling together, in a blink of an eye a big white glow blindid them.

Astenugget woke up in a new world inside a forest, but the trees were so big then there world, they felt like 1000 bigger then there tree. The grass came up really high. They felt like everything just grew in when they woke up. "6ARELYNUGGET, D3RNUGGET, KETSNUGGET, WHERE ARE YOU!?" Screaming as loud as they can worried about there friends. They kept walking inside this ginormous forest. After walking for a few minutes they found a big river and decided to follow it. After a while they came a cross a big flower feild, they walked into it carefully because they dont want anything to happen, or get hurt. But then all of a sudden they heard big paws coming at them. Astenugget didn't know were to hide and looked around but could only see flowers. Astenugget saw a big cat in front of them, they froze in fear as they saw it. When they saw the cats eyes sharpening they unfroze and ran. The cat followed suit and even sometimes jumped infront because they were really small. As Astenugget ran they accidentally fell inside a little hole big enough so they can get in but small enough that the cat's paw can't get in. Astenugget wait for an hour until they felt safe enough to exit the hole. When they got out they looked around to see if the cat was still there but didn't see anything. They started walking in a random location to maybe find there friend. As they got out of the flower feild they stumbled a cross some old ruins of a church and decided to go in. They entered to see some broken glass, over grown grass, graffiti, old broken church benches. As they went deeper into the church they heard Ketsnugget calling out. "HELP, HELP" "KETS WHERE ARE YOU?!" Calling out fearing for what happened to kets. "LOOK UP" Ketsnugget screamed. As Astenugget looked up they saw ketsnugget up on an old candle holder high on a wall. "What... HOW DID YOU AND UP THERE!?" Astenugget screamed. "I CLIMBED UP BUT NOW IM STUCK... HELP ME" Astenugget looked around and saw the over grown grass every were "HOLD ON I MAY HAVE AN IDEA!" Astenugget started ripping off the grass and putting it under the candle holder. After collecting all the grass they screamed. "JUMP IN THE PILE!" Ketsnugget took a second and jumped screaming. They fell inside and astenugget took off some grass in the pile so they can see Ketsnugget. After a while they were together again. "YAY!... Now we need to find 6arelyhuman and D3rnugget" Astenugget said.

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