Ketsnugget pov of Astenugget saving them

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Ketsnugget woke up in a tree with a hole to get out, after he went out he saw the world being bigger then he remembered. "What... ASTENUGGET, D3RNUGGET, 6ARELYNUGGET!!!" As he was walking making sure of his surroundings he stumbled a cross a big cave, Ketsnugget decided to go in just to make sure nobody was in there. Watching around to make sure there wasn't any creatures. Getting inside the cave he could see a bit inside because of the sun, seeing big scratch marks and some blood here and there. "Wha... what" scared. But then all of a sudden Ketsnugget heard some giant paws coming there way. He didn't know what to do so he went back out of the cave but then saw the cat, he saw the cat's eyes sharpening and he ran as fast as he can. As he ran the cat kept jumping in front of him which made him run in different directions. He saw a flower feild and ran inside. After a few minutes he lost sight of the cat and ran but then stumbled a cross a big run down church. He ran inside but then saw the cat and tried to jump at him, he ran inside and thankfully for him the cat stepped on some broken glass that did not stick but bleed a bit. The cat ran out but Ketsnugget still ran and climbed upped a vine. After climbing for a bit He took a breath on a candle holder. After a bit he decided to climb up to the broken window high in the air. But when he grabbed the vine but it all snapped and fell through a hole in the wooden floor. Ketsnugget screamed for help. A couple of minutes later he saw Astenugget got inside and screamed for help.

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