Astenugget and Ketsnugget finds 6arelynugget

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As Astenugget and Ketsnugget were walking out to explore to find the last two. They walked and walked making sure they don't stumbled into danger, then they stumbled into a pine forest and both entered in. As they were walking they heard a angry growl "no not again" Astenugget said. But then they heard another angry growl. "NO THE CAT AS BROUGHT A FRIEND" Ketsnugget said. Astenugget started to become angry at the cats for trying to eat them. They took a stick with the end split into two and started pointing at the noise. After a bit the cat came out but didn't notice the stick and the two ends got up the cats nostrils and the cat got so scared it ran away. "That was easy" Astenugget said while Ketsnugget clapped his stubby little hands. "Yay you defeated the cat." Ketsnugget said cheerfully. "Wait wasn't there supposed to be another cat?" Astenugget said. Then the other cat jumped up towards Astenugget with his mouth wide open. The cat chomped on the stick flailing it around with Astenugget holding onto the stick for dear life. "AAAAAHHHH HELP" Astenugget said. Ketsnugget picked up a rock he could hold and threw it at the cat. The cat didn't care and still kept flailing it around. "LET GO" Ketsnugget said. Astenugget let go of the stick but flew a couple of feet onto larger grass "WWWAAAA" Astenugget said before falling into the grass. Ketsnugget looked back at the cat and quickly picked up another bigger rock and threw it. It landed on his ear and choked the cat so much that it ran away faster than the other cat. As Astenugget came out of the grass they heard a familiar voice. "IS ANYONE THERE" They heard the voice of 6arelynugget. "6ARELYNUGGET HOW ARE YOU?!" Astenugget and Ketsnugget were happy to see them but worried if they got hurt. After checking they didn't see any cuts or bruises. "YAY 3 OUT OF 4 IS BACK. But im really worried about D3rnugget" Astenugget said worried and relieved that they found 6arelynugget. They realized in horror that it started to become dark. "We need to find him now!" Astenugget said serious and nervous.

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