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Wassup bbg's, tryna crank out a few chapters tonight before I crash. Hopefully I'll get a few different books update.

Chapter summary; Wilbur and Quackity both suffer, and Sally is a bitch :3

When Quackity woke up the next morning, the first thing he noticed was that it was very light outside. The second thing that he noticed, was that he overslept and should probably get up if he wanted to steal Wilbur from Sally- I mean, hang out with his bestie today.

He groaned as he rolled out of bed, stretched, nearly broke his back, and went to get breakfast, all in that order.

While pouring the obnoxious cereal in into a bowl, a knock on the door was heard, and Quackity mentally flipped off whoever was trying to speak to him at 9:00 in the morning, when he was tired, and cranky.

He abandoned his bowl for a moment to open the door, and wanted to immediately close the door again on her face after he saw who was ruining his quiet time.

"Why are you here?"

"Not a very nice way to greet someone, is it, Quackity?" Sally drawled with a glare.

Quackity just rolled his eyes. "You didn't answer my question."

"Is Wilbur awake?"

"Not what I asked, but no, he's not. Why, do you need to speak to him?"

"No, I wanted to go out again today."

Quackity's glare hardened.

"He's supposed to be with me today."

Before Sally could start bitching back about how she didn't care, Wilbur stumbled out of his room looking tired, and disgruntled. 

Both Quackity and Sally softened when they spotted him.

Apparently they had gotten too loud with their argument though, so Quackity at least felt a little guilty about waking him up.

"Hi Wil!" Sally said cheerfully. "I was thinking we could go out again today."

Wilbur deadpanned.

"But I went out with you yesterday. Besides, I'm supposed to hang out with Q today," he yawned, rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hand.

Quackity sighed as he internally screamed.

"It's fine Wilbur, you wouldn't want to make Sally mad anyways."

 'She's a bit of a bitch when she's mad,' he wanted to add, but he knew Wilbur wouldn't appreciate that, so he just stayed quiet.

"And anyways, I have work to do. You just go out and have as much fun as you can, and you can tell me about your day when you get back."

Wilbur frowned, but nodded and turned around to change into new clothes.

While Wilbur was changing, Quackity and Sally were having an intense staring battle, as if challenging eachother.

Wilbur came back a moment later, completely dressed and ready to go. 

He gave a quick goodbye hug to Quackity (Sally could be seen glaring daggers from behind him), and soon he was on his way.

Quackity watched them walked down the hall, and silently flipped Sally off when she wasn't watching, before turning around and heading back inside to finish making his breakfast.


Goldfish crackers are so yummy :3

I'll try to update this more often :,)

If you saw any spelling errors, uh, no.


(Words; 500)

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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