19- "Out for a little walk in the moonlight, are we?"

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"Out for a little walk ... in the moonlight, are we?" ~ Severus Snape, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

The Məhv Edən didn't come back the next day. Hazel felt like something had changed between them, like an uncomfortable silence had settled in.

What would you say when two enemies share a moment of tenderness? Rather, when a captor and his captive find solace in each other's arms, united in their sorrow?

Hazel trembled as she recalled his protective embrace, the first gentle touch she'd felt in years.

There had been something indescribable in the air between them, something she couldn't quite grasp or understand.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she realised how much she missed Məhv Edən and how lonely she felt without him.

Despite wanting to deny it, Hazel was becoming reliant on him, like a drug addict unable to break free from his destructive habit. Məhv Edən was becoming her addiction, her dependency.

Since arriving at the mansion, he'd treated her with nothing but plain meanness, unveiled contempt, disgust, and hatred.

He always made it clear to her that she was an unwanted pest on his property, akin to the weeds growing in the garden. And he couldn't wait to kick her out after she had fulfilled her purpose as a surrogate.

But why the sudden change of heart then? Maybe the sound of his baby's heart beating inside her had softened him up? But Hazel doubted it.

There was more to him than met the eye. He was hiding something important, something critical, not just from the Kral but from everyone else too.

Good thing he could perform Mensobstructa, or he'd be dead by now. Whatever his true intentions were, Hazel couldn't bring herself to unravel the person of Məhv Edən.

She let out a big sigh and pulled herself out of bed, heading to the bathroom for a shower.

His words from last night echoed in her mind: "Kral wants to eat the fetus..."

She shuddered and fought off the feeling of sickness creeping up her throat. Hazel reassured herself that she had to trust Məhv Edən; he swore he'd protect their baby. Well, her baby.

Məhv Edən didn't want anything to do with the child, and Hazel was perfectly fine raising her baby alone.

She took a long, lazy shower, feeling the weight of yesterday melt away as she stretched under the warm water.

After dressing and eating breakfast, she immediately felt sick and threw it up. The morning sickness was getting worse, along with the headaches that kept getting persistent.

Looking out the window, she couldn't help but think about her birth mother. Now that she was going to be a mother herself, she struggled to understand how her birth mom could have left her as a baby on the doorsteps of strangers.

But then she shook her head, trying to push the thought away. Her adoptive mother had always treated her like her own daughter, and Hazel felt lucky to have grown up in such a loving home.

She didn't fully believe the story she had been told about being found on the doorsteps; everyone seemed to have lied to her at some point, and she didn't trust anyone to tell the truth anymore.

For all she knew, she could have been kidnapped from her birth home. The thought made her angry and flushed with heat.

She didn't know her true origins, and her identity was a mystery. Hazel was an enigma not only to Kral but to herself as well.

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