star squad.1

16 1 0

"Do we have the camera rolling?"

Asked cassendra, a young wolf girl

"Yep! We do! "

Replied mathew and sam. They were all three very good friends. The giggled and placed themselves in front of the camera, ready to do the introduction. The 6 y/o's began speaking. "Hi! We are the star squad! Im cassendra, he's mattew an this is sam! "

Another small boy hiding behind them spoke softly, in a shy voice "... 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚖 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖!"

The team all giggled and pat dream's back. 

"Dream is our newest recruit.. You know what that means.... "

Asked cassendra. 

"We do! " answered sam and mattew. "Its prank time! "

The dream boy looked a little uncomfortable, but accepted by nodding. They turned the camera around. 

"See this kid over there? We are going to put a sticky note with a cat on it in his back! "

Cassendra gave dream a sticky note. Dream was a little unsure but went to approach the kid. Dream hugged the 4 year old and discreetly placed the sticky note in his back. The whole gang chuckled when dream came back. The camera turned to the gang again! They were all giggling at the clueless child they just pranked. Dream was reassured seemingly. He giggled a bit himself. "Well that was awesome! "

Said sam. 

"Lets get ice cream to celebrate! "

Cassandra went to close the camera. 

"Good bye viewers! This was the star squad! "


The tape ended. Nightmare was watching the recording in silence. He pulled it out the tv with a click and inserted another one... With anger. 

(Very small chapters btw)

Floating sunshine. (Dream sans au) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang