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matilda just uploaded to their story

"are you sure you don't want me to drive you" lando asked as the girl stood by the front door

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"are you sure you don't want me to drive you" lando asked as the girl stood by the front door. she had been asked on a date by a guy she had met whilst on a walk. he seemed nice enough and he was easy on the eye so who was she to say no to him. besides, matilda hadn't been on a date in a while.

"bobble honestly i said i'm okay, it's only a five minute walk" it wasn't late, only five in the evening and she was due to meet him in half an hour. with one quick goodbye, the girl headed out of the flat and onto the streets of monaco. Lando let out a huff, falling backwards onto the couch as he hid his face in his hands.

He knew this was coming, Matilda going on dates again. He should be happy for her, it took her ages to get over her first and only long term boyfriend, it was him that convinced her originally to go on dates after they first split. Matilda didn't often do dates, she was too worried that they would use her for the money and fame before fucking her over.

He sat there for about half an hour, only moving when he heard his phone ping, a text from matilda saying she was safe and that her date had arrived. He was happy for her, sure, but it left a sour taste in his mouth. Giving up, he gave his best friend a call

"lando!" max's voice came through the speaker as the boy paced the flat

"hey max" the boy instantly picked up on his best mates mood, switching his stream to mute and turning his camera off.

"what's up mate" "did you see matildas story" "no i didn't- oh"

"yeah, oh" lando grumbled, flopping onto his bed, the sheets smelling of matilda

"listen lan, it's just a date right? it's possible nothing will come from it" max reassured

"i know, it just, sucks i guess" lando hummed

"look, mate, forget about it for a minute. matilda is lovely but the second she realises that it's not what she wants, she'll come back. do you want to stream with me?"

"fuck it, saves me wallowing" lando huffed, getting up and walking to his computer, quickly switching it on and setting everything up. they ended the call and instead joined each other on discord. The stream was going well, in between playing games they would interact with chat. He forgot about the date, kept his mind of everything but his best friend and the stream.

He forgot so much that he didn't even hear his phone ringing or the spam of texts he was getting.

Matilda, on the other hand, wasn't having so much of a good time. The date started well, nice conversation and a good looking man. Then they finished their food and he expected her to pay for it considering 'how much money she made'. They then went on a walk, the guy brushing his arm against her as they walked, talking about himself and how well he could fuck her and how she didn't need 'that lando kid'. he got closer and closer until matilda pushed him away and told him to fuck off.

She stormed away, calling lando, sending him a few texts. when he didn't reply, she finally realised she was on her own in a place in monaco she had never been, completely lost. Saying fuck it, the girl saw flashing neon lights signalling a night club. Shitty nights = shitty drinks to get over it.

And get over it she did, she danced and drank until she was wobbling. it had been hours since she left, her phone tucked into her bag with no notifications on. Matilda was too drunk to care, sipping on another cocktail as she danced (more like swayed) to the music. She couldn't care less about who saw.

She only retired the night when she decided she was going to throw up, rushing out of the club and puking in the alleyway. Sitting on the curb outside the club, she grabbed her phone out of her bag, giving lando another ring but to no avail, he didn't answer. She put her head on her knees that were pulled up to her chest and looked out onto the monaco streets, her head spinning.

"fuck" matilda scoffed under her breath "fuck you lando"

The girl grabbed her phone, seeing the notifications from a few hours ago that max had gone live, the girl clicked on it seeing that he was still live and lando was too. Matilda scoffed, placing her head in her hands. There was no one on the roads, everyone else too busy dancing to care about her sitting alone. So she stood up, wobbling slightly before taking off down the road.

It was getting colder and she was just getting more lost, so she gave into her conscious and phoned max, holding the phone up to her ear as she leant against a random wall

Max, seeing the girl ringing him rather than lando, made him raise his eyebrows, muting his mic as he answered


"max look, i'm sorry i know your live but lando isn't responding and i'm lost and it's cold and i'm very fucking drunk and i don't know what to do" Max caught onto her slurred words instantly, quickly turning his live off leaving just him and lando in a call, his mic still muted

"hey, tilly, deep breaths, what's the closest road sign"

"fuck i need a cigarette" matilda slurred, pulling her box out of the bag and quickly lighting one

"tilly, road sign"

"oh" she giggled, pushing herself off the wall and walking to the corner of the road "it's southern street, why wasn't lando replying to me"

"his phones on silent and we were playing a game, sorry tilly"

"oh i'm sorry max" The emotional part of her drunk hitting hard "oh i didn't mean to ruin your night i'm sorry"

"hey, no it's okay" his voice now sounded distant but matilda was too deep into her own head to realise "lando southern street, get into your car and get matilda"

"shit" a very very quite voice could be heard on the other side of the phone, her messages now being read

"it's okay tilly, landos on the way"

"shit max imma mute i think i'm gonna vom again" the girl quickly muted the call, throwing up yet again before bringing her phone to her ear "my date went shit, i know that's what your thinking"

"it's okay, you don't have to talk about it" max reassured the girl while lando made his way to her

"no i do because i ruined your night over it" matilda sobbed "he just, he was so misogynistic and kept saying i should pay because i was the rich one. then we went on a walk and he tried to, you know, so i screamed at him and practically ran away but i didn't know where i was so i said fuck it and went to the club"

"it's okay matilda, everything's okay"

"is it? because now lando will be mad at me"

"hey, no he won't. look he's almost there, do you want to go wait for him now or should i stay on call"

"you can go, i love you maxxie" matilda giggled

"yeah, love you to tilly"


honestly no clue what this chapter was but i wanted max content and jealous lando

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