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celebgossip just posted on twitter

singer/songwriter/poet and part time model Matilda Versace seen out last night by fans alone, she was apparently heavily drinking before leaving a club then seen walking on her own whilst crying. is this the downfall for Matilda? wonder if she'll say anything, updates (if needed) to come

 is this the downfall for Matilda? wonder if she'll say anything, updates (if needed) to come

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Matilda just stared at her screen, Lando laying peacefully asleep beside her. The comments where brutal yet most seemed to support her and want her to be okay. She felt like shit, her head was spinning. Getting up carefully, the girl waddled to the kitchen, sipping on a glass of water as she sat at the kitchen island.

Her and Lando shared little to no words the night prior, she didn't want to explain to him the reasons behind why she went awol. it was stupid of her to overreact and Lando, ever the support system, would go crazy. she knew she'd have to tell him though, they were due to leave from china that night. Maybe getting pissed on a sunday wasn't smart.

He looked perfect last night, that was possibly the only thing she remembered from last night. He came to pick her up in a pair of sweats and a hoodie yet he still looked perfect. Maybe that was the reason Matilda didn't enjoy the date (along with the fact that the guy was a knob), she wouldn't admit that to herself though, she couldn't let her heart get broken by him.

Because she knew she wasn't lovable, she loved too much it was overwhelming for people to reciprocate. Her ex had proved that, her ex friends made it obvious. Lando had been on the receiving end of her platonic love and didn't seem too overwhelmed but maybe he was just being nice. She was overthinking and that was dangerous territory for matilda to be in.

"you wanna talk about last night yet" Lando asked making Matildas head snap up, she didn't even hear him come in let alone sit at the table in front of her

"you really wanna hear about it" Matilda asked, resting her chin in her palm

"of course i do tils, you clearly weren't okay and i want to know what was upsetting you" he stated, moving to grab his breakfast from the fridge as well as grabbing a tub of pre cut fruit for matilda.

so she told him, she told him how he seemed so sweet yet switched instantaneously, she told him how he made her pay for everything (which she didn't mind paying but he asked her out and by matildas standards, they should have at least split the bill), she told him how after the dinner they went on the walk and he begged her to come back to his place and got mad when she didn't

She then told him how she didn't even know where she was after rushing away from the guy, how she ended up in the club trying to forget it ever happened.

Lando felt bad he hadn't answered her calls and texts, maybe he could have picked her up and made her forget about it by spending time with her watching stupid movies and laughing at the oblivious characters. Maybe he could have gotten her into bed and watched her read until her heart was happy

"i'm sorry i didn't answer" Lando said, looking at the girl with the softest eyes

"it's not your fault bobble, you didn't know he was going to be a knobhead" Matilda shrugged, picking at her fruit

"well he's a muppet for fumbling a girl like you tils" Lando chuckled making the girl laugh

"yeah, he is" the girl nodded with a sincere smile "thank you lan"

"any time tils"

guys lando did so bloody good in the sprint but danny ric pulling through with p4!!

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