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Shh" first robber signalled the other, you heard that right?. Yes it came from this room the second replied. He waved to the lady to sit down quietly while they go check what's going on . They opened the door slowly and walked in. It was so dark in the room and they couldn't see properly . Do you have a torch or something with you . I could barely see an item In here , the first asked the second. No I don't he replied. Just then one of them stumbled on a can . There's nothing here let's go back the second robber told the other one.. just as they are about to turn back.. Rina and the others attacked them .. before they realize what was going on, a syringe was already buried in their neck few seconds later they were completely down and disarmed . Rina and her team stripped the both. Rina wore one then Jeff wore the other's clothes and mask .. mita stay here and watch them , Mike you're our shadow .. Jeff you're going in with me .. rina instructed then she walked out with Jeff . They met the lady who was quietly sitting down then she looked up and quickly stood up upon seeing them .. she had a worried look on her face .. Rina moved closer to her and wispered into her ear .. the lady's face went from worry to delight .. then she nodded and led the way for Rina and jeff. The three walked back to the place where the hostages were held .on seeing them murph furrowed his eyebrows and said with a loud voice . And why are your hands empty . Rina winked at Jeff, them Jeff moved closer to murph . Murph saw that he wasn't one of them and before he could react .. a syringe Is already buried in his neck. He went on one knee and that got the attention of the other robbers.. seeing what has happened they understood immediately and pointed their guns at Jeff . Jeff raised murph up and used him as shield then he pointed a gun at his head ..Rina smirked and said , you guys are so unskilled, I don't want to underestimate you that's why I used this much measure but I can see that its just a waste, drop your guns and move to this side . she pointed at a corner near a pole . With little hesitation. They obliged but one of them quickly grabbed the nearest hostage and put a gun on his head "no you drop your guns and get out of here if u want him to live . The rest picked up their guns and pointed it at the other hostages. It's just you two against us..
Rina burst out laughing, " it's a good thing I didn't underestimate you.. Mike" she shouted loudly . Before they know what's going on .. they were already down . Mike who was their shadow already shot them but not with bullet. the hostages screamed out loud. It's okay, it's okay. They are not dead, just sleeping. You can go home now Rina assured them then she turned to the supervisor and asked her if  anyone's hurt by any chance and she said none.. ok cool, open the main door let this people go home then Rina touched her ear to get through to mita .. call for back up for clean up then she turned to Jeff .. I'm heading out , handle the rest . Jeff nodded and Rina walked out . She walked a bit and stopped on her track.. a car  parked in front of her seconds later and a man In his late 20's got out of the car . "Missed me" lino smirked.. oh yeah I did now would u give me my keys asshole Rina barked at him. Ohh, I guess this mission isn't that stressful seeing you can still yell lino said and threw the key at Rina . There you go princess .. thanks,now move. Rina pushed him off then entered the car . She put on her shade and was about igniting the car when she hears a knock on the wind shield.. she looked up and she saw lino try to tell her to lower the glass..
She lowered it then asked. What now? Well I just wanted to ask if I'm supposed to walk back home , i mean aren't u suppose to give me a lift or something. Rina smiled sneakily why don't u try jogging, you are dealing with extra pounds aren't you?. Then she zoomed off . Wow what a wicked witch lino muttered to himself then smiled shyly that's her charm though . My lovable scheming queen he said out loud then covered his mouth looking around embarrassed.
      Few minutes later, rina's car was packed in front of a huge restaurant. The restaurant is a famous restaurant in all of mariola. She got out of the car and walked inside the restaurant. She looked around if she could sight who has called her down to the restaurant. She saw a man seated in a corner in his late 50s. She walked up to him and cleared her throat to get his attention. Oh hi Rina said the man . So good to finally meet you although you might not know who i am but I've heard a lot about you. Rina removed her shade and sat down in front of him. She looked keenly at him and said yeah I don't think I know you could you please introduce yourself so that I can know how to address you. The man smiled and sipped from his drink okay I'm sorry but let me introduce myself , before that I'd like to compliment your beauty I mean words travel around that you're such a beauty but getting to see it myself is a pleasure. Rina smirked and said am I supposed to be grateful for complimenting me is that why you called me here. oh no pardon me that's not why you are here I just can't you know let's just forget about it . My name is royal Greg the director of Royal machineries I know you would have heard about or know about my company so straight to the point . My son is under investigation for drug abuse and I heard you  are  in charge of the investigation so I have a deal for you. I want you to let my son go in exchange for a cool amount of money.  Trust me it's 50 times your annual fee. Then he signaled to someone behind him. A guy is seen bringing a medium sized bag. He dropped it on the table in front of rina and opened it. It's  just a token, you would probably get more if you corporate with me and the advantages is more for you than me. Rina looked into the bag and road her eyes. What exactly did you take me for Mr royal Greg, wow this is incredible. Listen Mr I also have a deal for you. How about I investigate your company for mismanagement of funds,em embezzlement and bribery  then I'll drop all charges against your son.. how about that? Greg's eyes widened then he slapped the table with his palm. How dare you? . Yeah how dare you try to bribe me Rina cut him off..
This money , Rina took a handful of the money and threw it at him .. it is useless to me . And I will make sure your son is put behind bars while he wait for you to join him.. Rina stood up to leave but Greg's voice stopped her . Don't you know who i am or I have to remind you .. Rina walked to his side and bend over to whisper to his ears.
Why don't you go ahead and show me who you are then I can introduce myself properly to you.. she smirked at him and walked away..
        Greg signaled again and two of his bodyguards came . He told one to pack the money and whispered to the other.. he nodded and followed Rina out.. Let's see who plays the game better Rina . He said to himself and smirked.

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