Chapter 4: Destiny

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||Oshane POV||

Back with me.

We finished at my dad and drove back to Kingston. After a long drive, we took the back roads to get to Stony Hill.

We parked outside as I saw the assault team waiting. I got out of my gun.

Dumas then said, "You don't have to do this! We can take care of it."

"Nope! I got this. Stay here," I quickly told him.

I then headed inside. I got in and got my pre packed suit case and sat on the sofa as I heard them going at it upstairs.

I took the time to zero out our joint accounts and send the email to Watergate Savings & Loans to close out.

Then i sat in the dark. Jason then came down for water, and he got it without seeing me.

I waited for him to drink it, and then I said, "Alexa! Lights!"

The light came on as I sat on the couch arm.

He put down the bottle as Nastasha said, "Babe!'

"Him or me!" I asked her.

She swallowed, and I said, "13 years of my life! That's how long I was in the military

Three, building houses and Cannals for the JDF.

I killed people for less and nothing, but I never questioned anything. Every dollar I earned was invested in the empire.

Then I met her in panama, she made me a deal. She would give me my soul back.

I gave it all up and made your father a promise to keep his company safe.

Day I took that job I lost my wife."

"Nich! I am sorry, it is not what you think," Natasha told me as I took off my ring.

I then chuckled and said, "I know about you two for the past two and half years.

That's why I never touched you and imagine when you had an abortion, sorry miscarriage.

The worst part is that you both could have died so many times. I could have dropped the Learjet on your Coachella trip."

"You threatening me!" Replied Jason as he stepped and Natasha held him.

I chuckled and said, "You have no idea! Who're you messing with. Your entire 650 team members hate you, and your executives want you dead.

I keep them in line. Let's see how long you last without me."

As I got up, I taught and said, "Oh! Wanted you to hear from me, but Malahoo Enterprises Holdings is now with me.

And the York family is coming with me. Now, you both have 5 minutes to leave my house.

Or, my new and improved elite security team comes to kill you both."

I got my suitcase and then said, "Also! If you ever send your cop buddies after me, you will die before I get out.

Smile for the cameras when you leave or end up on the front page."

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