|27| A Price To Pay

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|A Price To Pay|

Noel Blackman, the most crafty and cynical man, was sitting right in front of us. Knowing that my mom was still missing was not only heartbreaking but it was made worse when I saw his face. I did not want to see Noel at all. With every second that went by, his cunning smile increased my uneasiness. There was some doubt that this wouldn't be her. But I had every expectation that a stranger would show up with information about her last known location. What role did Noel Blackman play in the disappearance of my mother? More importantly, how was her phone in his possession?

The three of us sat there in shock, staring at the man. The unfortunate outcome of this cannot be adequately described in words. Ace was correct—it was not my mother sending the text. But Noel did not appear to be a threat. Ordering a tea for himself as a consolation prize, he sat down amiably beside Tyler. We were all dying to know the answer, but none of us dared to ask the question. His presence astounded us so much that we were speechless. This is too much fear for a man's face alone. That proved he had too much authority.

Noel reached into his jacket pocket as soon as his tea was placed in front of him. When he took out my mom's phone, my heart fell instantly. A picture of the two of us was displayed on her lock screen as it lit up. There were no indications that she had struggled whenever she went, nor did it appear to be in poor condition. There was not a single scratch on the phone, which was in perfect shape. I was even more interested in finding out where she was after that.

As my anger increased, I eventually glanced up at Noel, who appeared to find the whole situation humorous. "Tell me how you obtained her phone." With my teeth clenched, I asked. Though my voice remained raspy, my rage was clear.

As he stirred sugar into his cup, he shrugged his shoulder. "You think you can just ask me a question and I'll answer." He chuckles. "Little girl, this is not how this works."

There he goes again with that nonsense. I could not stand it, but I had to remain composed to obtain the information I needed. Unlike Ace, who would readily comply with my requests, Noel did not do that. Before he would divulge even the slightest bit of information, there was still work to be done. That didn't mean I wouldn't try. This was a man who was going to collaborate closely with my dad. He has no business working near my father if he was involved in my mother's disappearance. What would happen if he also had an incident?

I am willing to play ball to keep my family intact. With my guards around, I do not think he would try anything. Even so, I am sure he had his men. As far as I knew, they were not there. If they were waiting for his approval before moving forward, it would not surprise me. We were hoping we would not have to go that far. Noel was not that foolish as to start a commotion, was he?

His dark eyes lock back on mine as he drinks his tea. His brow raises in a sly smirk, "Now, talk to me nice or you can leave without anything."

I let out a deep breath and asked myself if this was what I wanted to do. The fact that Tyler and Ace's time was squandered is bad enough. This would have all been for nothing if we left right now. Nor has it allowed Noel to feel the fulfillment that comes from watching me go. Everyone knows how much it irritated me when he would constantly refer to me as a little girl. He said that to me once more, so I am sure he did too. The bastard.

"What do you want from me?" I pondered. "The one engaging in dubious business with you is my dad. All I want is my mom."

He laughs. "And could you tell me more about that business?" He lowered his gaze. "Mr. Helix's daughter is undoubtedly up to date on every last detail."

Admittedly, I had no idea what business my father was in, so my cheeks flushed. I was never involved in any of his creations. Neither did my mother, as they did their best to protect me from this hazardous way of life. That wasn't a smart idea. You would think my father would tell me all about his life and what he does after everything that has happened. He has not been here since I returned home. If it were not for that, Noel would not have asked that question.

Bodyguard: Ace CainWhere stories live. Discover now