|28| Assassins

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"So it was not her after all, huh?" Jake did not appear surprised to hear this.

The next day was a relaxing Saturday, as Jake unexpectedly showed up at my house. I was not upset because he was coming to check on me. We sat in the family room while I explained everything that transpired yesterday with Noel. My heart was still in shambles as I realized I might never know where my mother had gone. She was probably fighting her way back to me somewhere out there. If it were not too late.

Unfortunately, my father is the only other person I can ask about this. The last thing I want is to draw attention to the fact that we sneaked out to meet with Noel. On top of that, I would accuse him of doing something to my mother, his wife. That would undoubtedly offend him, given that he was just as upset as I was. However, if it is even remotely possible that he did something, I have the right to know.

Regardless, Jake spent the majority of the morning chatting with me. Surprisingly, we were becoming friendly. It was not something I expected, and he has made the necessary changes to become more approachable. Rather than coming on strong, he remained calm and let the situation unfold naturally. I am not interested in him, but I am relieved that he is behaving normally for once. That is a huge step for Trubisky.

My head shook with disappointment. "No, but Noel...I am not sure, but something about him makes me shudder."

Jake understood what I meant when I mentioned his sudden appearance. "The only person who needs to be concerned is your father," he says, catching my eye. His serious expression startled me. "If he is not careful, I am afraid things will turn ugly."

I gulped, afraid of what that might imply. "Jake—"

He cuts me off with, "Just stay alert." "Be aware of your surroundings. "We do not want anything to happen to you." His fingers stroked my cheek.

It is hard to tell whether he was trying to protect me or if he was primarily concerned with himself. You never know with someone like him because his appearance conceals it. Jake is adept at concealing his thoughts, and falling into Trubisky's web will be equally dangerous.

His advice was justified, and I am sure he meant well. It is difficult to know what to do in this particular case. I have felt as if I have been surrounded by people I am not sure I can trust for the past few months. Not to mention my fling with my bodyguard, who also hides important information from me. Receiving advice from every direction and not knowing which is genuine is exhausting. My mind felt like it was on a never-ending rollercoaster, begging to get off.

After removing his hand, I sit up and prepare to kick him out of the house. He had been here long enough, and I needed some space. His company was greatly appreciated, and I will keep this in mind in the future. We walked over to the door to say our final goodbyes.

He moaned, "You are already kicking me out." "What a bummer!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled briefly. "I will see you on Monday," I say, as he starts to walk away. I grabbed his arm as he returned his attention to me. "Thanks again, Trubisky," I say, smiling.

He smirks, surprised by my appreciation. "Anytime, Helix. And hey," he squeezes my chin, bringing my face closer to his. "Remember what I said."

My head nods as best it can before he walks over to his car. He was adamant about his words, and I could not deny he had a point. From now on, it would be best if I kept a close eye on my surroundings. At any point, I could vanish without a trace. Nobody would be able to find me, and my father would have no idea. Considering the effort he has made with my mother.

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