A Silent Connection

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Sana stood outside Seoul Medical Center, her heart racing with anticipation as she prepared to begin her internship at one of the city's most prestigious hospitals. She took a deep breath, pushing aside her nerves as she stepped inside, ready to embark on this new chapter of her medical career.

As she familiarized herself with the hospital's layout, Sana received her first assignment: to examine a patient named Jungkook, who had been experiencing abnormal head pain. She made her way to his room, her mind buzzing with excitement and a touch of apprehension.

Entering the room, Sana found Jungkook lying in bed, his face contorted in discomfort. She approached him gently, introducing herself and explaining the purpose of her visit.

Sana: "Hi, I'm Sana. I'll be your intern for today. Can you tell me where you're feeling the pain?"

Jungkook winced at her touch, his eyes darting away as if in fear. Sana couldn't help but notice the myriad of scars covering his body, a silent testament to his past struggles.

Sana: "What happened to your scars, Jungkook? Did they cause you any pain?"

Jungkook remained silent, his expression guarded as he avoided her gaze. Sensing his reluctance to speak, Sana persisted, asking him a series of questions about his pain and his medical history.

As she spoke, Jungkook's demeanor shifted, and to Sana's surprise, he began communicating with her in sign language. She watched in awe as his hands moved fluidly, his eyes pleading for understanding.

Sana: *realizing* "You're using sign language... I'm sorry, I don't know sign language."

Jungkook's shoulders sagged in disappointment, but Sana refused to give up. Determined to help her patient, she quickly turned to the internet, using it to decipher Jungkook's signs and continue their conversation.

Days turned into weeks, and Sana found herself drawn to Jungkook's bedside, their silent exchanges forming a bond between them that transcended words. She enjoyed their moments together, cherishing the opportunity to ease his pain and provide comfort.

But as Jungkook's test results came back, Sana's heart sank at the grim prognosis. She approached him carefully, bracing herself for his reaction.

Sana: "Jungkook, I'm sorry to say this, but... the results aren't good. You don't have much time left."

To her surprise, Jungkook smiled softly, his eyes reflecting a sense of peace and acceptance.

Sana: "How... how can you be okay with this?"

In response, Jungkook signed slowly, his hands conveying a message that brought tears to Sana's eyes.

Jungkook: "I'm happy... that no one will mourn or cry... or be devastated upon my death."

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Sana excused herself from the room, tears streaming down her face as she grappled with the weight of Jungkook's words. Outside, she allowed herself to grieve, finding solace in the knowledge that she had made a difference in his final days.

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