Love Unspoken

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Jungkook and Sana had been inseparable since they were five years old, their bond growing stronger with each passing year. They laughed together, cried together, and shared their hopes and dreams with each other.

To Jungkook, Sana was more than just a friend—she was his everything.

Their lives had always been intertwined, with Jungkook following Sana wherever she went.

From the same schools to the same university, he made sure to always be by her side, his world revolving around her presence.

But despite their close friendship, Jungkook harbored feelings for Sana that went beyond mere friendship. He loved her with a depth that consumed him, his heart longing for her in ways he couldn't fully comprehend.

One day, as they sat together in Jungkook's apartment, Sana's tear-stained face shattered Jungkook's world. He watched in agony as she trembled, her sobs wracking her body with each passing moment.

Jungkook's heart clenched as he watched Sana crumble before him, her tears staining her cheeks as she struggled to voice the ache in her heart. He couldn't bear to see her in such pain, yet her words pierced him like shards of glass.

Jungkook: *voice trembling* "Sana, please... What happened? You can tell me anything."

Sana's shoulders shook with each sob, her hands clutching at the fabric of Jungkook's shirt as if seeking solace in his embrace.

Sana: *choking on her words* "Why can't he see me the way I see him? Why am I not enough?"

Jungkook's heart shattered at her words, his own unspoken feelings rising like a tidal wave within him. How could she not see her own worth? How could she doubt the beauty that radiated from within her?

Jungkook: *gently wiping her tears* "Sana, you are... you're everything to me. You're more than enough, you're... you're perfect just the way you are."

Sana's sobs softened at his words, her tear-filled eyes meeting his with a mixture of gratitude and confusion.

Sana: *voice trembling* "But... but why can't it be me? Why does he choose someone else?"

Jungkook's heart clenched with pain, his own unspoken love threatening to spill from his lips in a torrent of emotion. But he held himself back, swallowing his own anguish for the sake of easing hers.

Jungkook: *voice barely above a whisper* "I don't know, Sana... I wish I had the answers for you. But I do know one thing... you deserve someone who sees your worth, who cherishes you for the incredible person you are."

As Jungkook held her close, Sana's sobs slowly subsided, her breathing evening out as exhaustion claimed her. He held her gently, his own heart aching with the weight of his unspoken love.

From that night on, Jungkook vowed to be Sana's rock, her unwavering support in the face of life's storms. And though his own heart may ache in silence, he found solace in the knowledge that he could ease her pain, if only for a fleeting moment.

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