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- It was a dark night, ocean street sleept soundly untouched  by the sounds of the cars, instead it was replaced with the waves of the ocean shore.

I was walking deep into thought when i saw him at my side who knew people like himself existed. It was like a torch lighting up the darkness of the sky so bright and golden even the heavens would notice such a gift, i wonder. Why to him and not me that i ask.

While i saw him he saw me our gazes met but as the words say it's just a guess not a reality, who am i to love why should he a god.

Men mean lies...

Lies that hurt, lies that make you cry and bring hope into the hopless. That is the truth so absolute but subjetive to many changes and precautions. They are beast waiting for they're pray an thus i am the one to be aeten. Those eyes ferocious and abiguous to ones feelings that the man he is.

Albert a man who dresses in silence wearing  a cloth of an angel, waiting with patience a lion that is a truth i'm never forgetting.

As i kept walking the many tracks of ocean street i came in contact to with i wanted to see the ocean...

Free from harm no observers or watchers only the sounds of wind an the smell of early spring in the night were the moon shone bright. I could see myself on the mirror what beauty i was. A wolf, fenrir a silver beast no different from the others, of those who i see as evil.

But now that is not nessesary i'm free a beast but no tide to the day nor the darkness.

I am a wolf free from my captors a bird who sat foot on the mountains of Colorado a peacock with colors and feathers beautifully displayed.

That is my that's all me i am now truth and free patiently until the waves of the tide surround me in they're cold calm waters...

Once all ia over i shall return to the land of the living embraced by the sun, the moon and all whom are purified by solitude.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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