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As I sat on his lap, he seemed not even bothered by my existence. His cold icy eyes watched the corridors full of new year's. This was our last year here *I thought* He seemed not to put any attention to my faster heartbeat or heavy breaths. If he even knew what he was doing to me... His white loose hair perfectly framed his pale as paper skin. His soft milky skin with couple moles spreaded almost like an artist put a couple of black drops color by mistake on his brand new canavas. He no more slicked his hair back like he used to. He grew, I would say a lot. His muscles were now well seen under his school uniform, his jaw was more defined as his nose now almost scuplted by a god. His lips seemed sharp, but yet soft. The actions from couple of years ago left a deep scar on his heart and soul, I could see it. His look would kill without a hesistation. Even when he was blind, his icy blue eyes could always land on the right person in the right time. He seemed more distant every year. We were so close, now he seemed to always travel into his world of thoughts.  I wish I could figure out what he was thinking about, however I could not just ask. His answers were now sharp now yet still evasive. Like he was hiding something. Even now, when he became so cold and almost tired of life he let me physicall close, like nothing happend. I was deep in my thoughts looking deep into Omnis' deep mysterious eyes while i heard a familiar voice.

-Hi Lucy! Would you like to join me today afternoon? I wish to speak to you about a couple of things... Said the voice from behind a pillar

- of course Sebastian. I'm always here to help. I couldn't resist his charm. He was like a narcotic to me. I never had enough. We were so close and we still are, bit on a diffetent lever. Our physicall attraction to each other never met any true emotions. Our meetings always were about to fuck, never about to speak. No more. His jealousness was always visible while he catched me next to Ominis. He went out of the corner to stand in the middle of the corridor. Sebatsian looked deep into my eyes not bothered by other students. His look full of lust and anger. Probabbly he wasn't pleased by the wiev of me sitting softly on Omini's lap.

- you don't have to go Lucy. Let him be a playboy somewhere else. Omnis' pierced look almost wanting to kill sebastian. The light out of the big window from behind us shined dirextly into his blue. After the catacombs and crucio thing, he hated Sebastian as never. I think he knew why I was meeting with Sebastian, however I never told him. I always felt so pushed away and unwanted. I would do everything to get any scrap of love I could get. This wasn't love of course. Whou would love somebidy like me but it was still enough.

-it's ok Ominis, I will catch up with you later. I stood up and feel his look on my back.

- step back Ominis. You know it can be different. Sebastian said in sad solem tone, than turned to me and whispered to my ear *put on something nice for me* I went into my dsrk empty dorm to prepare for the evening with Sebastian. I could feel that Ominis somehow know what he said, yet he never spoke. Sebastian liked me scandalous I would say. His perverted broken dark mind always burned my core. It turned me on almost immedietely. I knew he would like my today's choice. When i was ready i put on my black robe and sneaked out of my room into scryptorium. To my shock after opening heavy doors of the wet underground I heard Ominis talk with Sebastian.

- You can have her body, but you will never have her soul. Ominis said in a furry tone.
- ohh fuck off ominis. You are not the one to judge. It's her choice. I love to meet with her. It's not my problem you never made any move. Did i hear it right? I thought. What move?
-Sebastian I am saying this one last time. Breake her heart and I will burn your guts with the worst spell I know.

Sebastian went silent as if he thought of something, yet distracted by a noise which i made while hiding myself behind a pillar.

- whatever. I have to go, have fun you two. Ominis said with angry look and went in the direction of exit next to me. While he did so i felt his little touch. He smushed his pinky on my wrist. At this moment i didn't knew was it intentional or not.

-come on darling, let me see what did you put on for me ? Sebastian said in a husky purry voice. I felt his warmness even from so far.

I stepped closer and put down my robe. The look revealed a white satin lingerie. Very thin and nearly transparent. The ruffles were cute but i think spicy. He never glued off his eyes off me. I turned around to face the wall to undo my ponnytail. My long ginger hair fell down on my back, then i feel him. His touch burning like a lava. He whispered:

-do you want me to guide you or will you undress by your own? Smirk on his face was almost full. I couldn't resist and i started to undress. Oh god how I love when he is so dominant. However i still see a bit of fluffy romantic glimer in his eyes. He is just so.. broken .. i can fix him... Right? He deserves it. I deserve it. I want him and he wants me. Besides, we are meeting only with each other. Ominis tried to change my opinion but I don't think he understand how much the catacombs has changed me and Sebastian. We were pure monsters. He is not the only one murderer in this duo.

His touch on my back was soft, not like his harsh words. He kissed me warmly from my neck to my breasts. His hands explored my body leaving burning traces. Soft light of floating candles lit by sebastian shone warm light on his freckles. I was dying to feel his lips on mine, but the main rule was to never kiss. Only sex. It was strange but somehow it was a good deal, right? I was his and he was mine. I didn't blamed him for the deal, it was obvious. He never wanted to care for somebody as much as he did for Anne. She never recovered and died. His loss burned him down and pushed into deeper darkness. All he wanted was to protect himself from another loss and it was fine for me.

His breaths and warm kisses went slower and deeper. Our sex was never aggresive tho. I feel like he respected my body and my decisions. He took me in both on his hands and put on the middle od the pillows which he stole one by one from our common room. The pillows were soft and warm, yet the wet cold air in the undercroft made gave my skin chills as my nipples reacted as well. He noticed this and went up on me to change direction of his kisses into my breasts. His soft wet kisses and purrs made me whimper and moan. He seemd to like it. He looked into my eyes for the permission and I nodded. He took down my underwear and put down his. From this moment the time seamt to stop. I felt every inch of his member in my core. Pure pleasure from his perfect size filled me deep down in my belly. I felt every move of his. With every thurst of his i heard following growl of his. However he never leave me unsatysfied. After I felt pure pleasure he followed me in the extasy to end on my back. Most of the time i had my eyes shut. I was affraid to see him stearing at me. After we were done, he collected himself, checked on his hair and said * see u next time L* like nothing ever happend. I lied on the stack of pillows alone,  he left me with cold air and feeling of shame. I still needed him as much as he needed me. I felt disgusted. The tears started to fill my eyes out of blue. Pure anger and dissapointment fulfilled my mind. After a short time of crying I dressed myself up and went to the girl's bathroom on the second floor. Noone visited this place that's why it was so perfect for my punishment. Quick diffindo here and there and all the emotions spilled out mixed woth my blood. It helped me to coope. I looked into broken old mirror on my face, i feel his touch on my nect and in my hair. No, I can't do this anymore. It's killing me *i said to myself* with quick diffindo i cut my hair to the lenght of my jaw. It was raddicall change, still needed. I never truely loved myself and I didn't care about other's opinion. I needed this to get out from this trap which I created for myself. With another spell my hair burned in the sink untill there was nothing left. I knew yhis night will be as other. Without sleep and with self-hate. I needed to speak to Ominis in the morning...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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