Chapter 5

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Unknown number :
Hey... It's me again
Ik you're never gonna reply but I still keep on trying....
I just wish that doing this will help me feel a little bit better...
The feelings I never knew were there until you were gone...
It pains me...
These feelings pains me...
The tears that are threatening to fall never come out...
The tears that I've had shed will never be countable...
As I've cried every night... that there is no more tears left...
My eyes sting...
But it won't sting as much as when you cried all those nights...
They say that tears are words that we don't say...
Well I guess they were true...
My tears are the words I've never had the time to say to you
My heart full of those words but my brain cancels them...
The never ending fight between my heart and brain ended in the lost of you...
I lost you because I was never aware of my heart...
Now my brain regrets it...
My heart feels it...
And my soul hates it...
Everything feels like a fever dream...
It's like I'm in a nightmare, in which I can't ever wake up...
The tears slip through my closed eyes as my heart dwells with pain...
The warmth I used to feel all those nights when you were there...
Left a dent in me...
The solace I found in you that I never noticed...
I miss it...
I miss the way you made me feel...
If it's actually a nightmare I want to wake up right away...
I want to wake up with you by my side...
Everything I did became everything I regret ...
The amount of regret and guilt I feel eats me...
The love you gave me which I never returned shatters me. .
I wish I was smarter and listened to my heart instead of my brain...
I pushed you away so much that you left my life ... permanently...
I guess I deserve it...
I deserve it, don't I Haohao?
I'm a fool..
If only losing these feelings were just as easy as how I had lost you...
How nice would that be...
I'll just be hollow...
The emotions gone... Just like you...
.. ..

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