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Author's Pov:

"Aja mera bacha," the gentle pull of the lady's words and the warmth of her smile, softened Srisha's heart. Despite her inner turmoil and doubts, she found solace in the idea of seeking help and guidance. With a nod of acceptance, she allowed herself to be led by the hand of fate, placing her trust in the unseen hands of Krishna.

("Come with me, bacha")

The lady helped Srisha to her feet, her wince of pain met with sympathetic glances from both the elderly woman and the young boy. With their assistance, she navigated with cautious steps, each movement a reminder of her physical and emotional burden.

As they traversed the narrow streets, Srisha's eyes caught sight of a welcoming doorway. The lady opened the door to reveal a cozy interior, where a young girl of similar age awaited their arrival.

As Srisha lay down on the bed, the simplicity of the room offered a comforting embrace. Her gaze lingered on the frame of Radharaman adorning the wall, a silent reassurance in the midst of her turmoil. "Radhika jao pani lao" lady's gaze shifted to the girl for a while.

("Radhika go and bring a glass water")

"Ji maa," the young girl, Radhika, hastened to fetch water as instructed by her mother. Srisha watched her with a mixture of gratitude and apprehension, unsure of what lay ahead in this unfamiliar place.

As Radhika brought water, Srisha drank it eagerly, her parched throat grateful for the cool relief. She hadn't had a sip of water in hours, and the simple act of hydration felt like a soothing balm to her weary body.

"Beta yeh mera beta hai Madhav, yeh doctor agar tum kaho toh yeh tumhe check karle? Lekin agar tum nahi chahogi toh main kisi female doctor ko bula lungi," the lady offered, her words brimming with warmth and concern. Srisha felt a sense of comfort wash over her at the woman's kindness.

("Beta, this is my son, Madhav. He's a doctor. If you'd like, he can examine you. But if you prefer, I can call a female doctor.") 

Srisha hesitated, reluctant to subject anyone to the sight of her battered body. However, she understood the importance of receiving medical attention. She didn't want anyone to misconstrue the cause of her wounds, even though their assumptions might be accurate. But could she expect understanding from strangers? It seemed unlikely.

She had never been taught to flee from challenges, but now she felt utterly powerless. The reins of her life were no longer in her grasp; she had surrendered them to Krishna the moment she fled. Whatever fate awaited her now, she accepted it resignedly.

Slowly, Srisha turned her gaze to the elderly lady, who smiled warmly, offering the reassurance she desperately needed. Clutching her shawl tightly, Srisha hesitantly removed it, unveiling her battered face. A deep cut marred her left eyebrow, as if inflicted by a sharp object. Her cheeks bore the telltale imprints of a man's fingers, and another gash marked her right jaw. Reddish marks and scratches adorned her neck, evidence of another's aggression. Her arms were adorned with scratches and cuts, their dried bloodstains attesting to self-inflicted wounds.

A hiss escaped Radhika's lips as she beheld Srisha, the girl who had always been shielded within the warm embrace and protection of her brother and father. She never imagined that the world could be so cruel as to inflict such horrors upon anyone.

Srisha's eyes fluttered closed, overwhelmed by the swirl of emotions and negative thoughts consuming her. She anticipated that they would inquire about her injuries, but Srisha wasn't prepared to divulge anything just yet. The lady gently stroked her hair, offering a comforting reassurance. "Jab tumhe thik lage tab bta dena, hmm?" She said softly, as if she understood the turmoil churning within Srisha's mind.